Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Theraband and Wrapping


Theraband and Wrapping

Hey guys I ordered some Theraband but it is Navy blue instead of the gray one that I see almost everywhere on the site. Also it is very thin and the grey one seems alot thicker in the photos..
Question 1: Does that matter for the wrapping?
Q 2: Also can I wrap with just the theraband and no cotton cloth? I have heard of that being done.
Q 3: Can I use an infrared light to be shooting heat on my tunica an ligs while hanging through out the sets? Or only at the beginning? Why?

Thank you.
I will just start my hanging carreer this week with the BibStarter. I have made a pulley system out of materials from Walmart.with an actual pulley. I get complete transfer of force to the hanger. And it’s really cheap and discreet. Well it’s small.You’re going to have to explain why you have a pulley in your bedroom if they find it. Jeje

Guys any help you could give me would be very appreciated.
Thank you.

A1, not sure, never tried it but Bib recommended the grey kind. Theraband is there to improve traction. So if it hangs alright with the blue one, then go on using it.

A2, don’t do it, you will understand why when you try to unwrap it after you are done.

A3, I never used infrared, but as far as heat is concerned, it’s recommended you heat through the first half of your set, to allow for lig stretching, and then remove the heat source during the other half, so your ligs cool and take new shape in the extended state.

Good luck.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I was using the under wrap along with the thera-band and had problems with the hanger slipping but the biggest problem was twisting inside the hanger. I contacted Bib and he told me to try only using the Thera-band. It solved all my problems and I never use anything else.

As for the thinner, you might have to wrap a little thicker, I don’t know. I would think the thinner would not last as long either.

Never used the cotton cloth.

Should I?

The gray you refer to is SPECIAL HEAVY RESISTANCE type. Actually it has a black label on the box. It does add more bulk but also alot more protection and as you might find out will not distort as quickly.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I’ve spent the past 3 months getting some help on my wrapping technique and went through some of the same things you did.

Your theraband “should” be okay. I suggest you cut a strip of it about 2”-2.5” in width 15-20” in length. You want the wrap to be tight (but too tight) because the hanger will NOT grip properly if your wrapping is too thick or loose. I used to use an Ace bandage and theraband to wrap with- and that resulted in an incorrect way of hanging. My hanger was not gripping the way it should.

If your hanger’s teeth get stuch on your wrapping, then you know it was done too loose.

The only reason for wrapping with a cotton cloth underneath is to increase comfort. Without the cotton cloth, some people (including me) got the theraband edge digging into the back of my penile shaft. The cloth should be about 2 inches wide by 6 inches long, and when you put the theraband on after the cloth, you begin your wrapping a little below where the cloth is.

Heat is fine. I use it to restore circulation after my 20 minutes before my 10 minute uli/jelq break. Hope this helps.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I use only the theraband and if it starts to stick when you remove it just put some baby powder on it the next time and it’s like new again.

I think wrapping or hanger placement is holding me back from gaining.I try to use the AFB or capt.wench hanger/ which ever I can get to feel comfortable at the time, but I feel so much pressure on the top of my head. No matter how high I place the wrap it seems like the hanger /and wrap always ends up right at the bottom of my shaft/top of my head, and I feel a lot of pressure built up. Does anyone know if this is the result of the hanger just being uncomfortable or not gripping correctly, or is the skin just sliding with the weight pulling on it-what should I do to prevent this?

Tiger, it could be just too much wrap or the hanger location with the amount of weight used. I don’t have any experience with those hangers you mentioned because I use a bib hanger but the principals should be the same.

hate to do it… but I have to ask about wrapping one more time (hopefully)
for one, is the theraband a lot better than the swimcap-comfort wise? (I hope it is)

-It seems like every time I wrap some thing is pinching, regularly skin-but I have already stretched the skin, I have extra rolls now to prove it.

-I am either pinching skin ( I think its skin) on the sides or on the back side of the base or the top of the base….that is if I wrap towards the base…if I wrap too high theres just too much head pressured. I have tried pulling skin out before applying the wrap and hanger…. I have been messing around with this for three days now-I can’t get it comfortable…no skin pain-no head pressure…which is so frustrating because I know I have gains to come but I can’t get them because this bullshit going on.

-I have read the wrapping tutorial in the ‘member pics’ -Does any one have any advice for me??? I am using the Piet- my BIB starter is hopefully going to be here soon-order early last week.
-Is it just my hanger pinching too much-the wrap- does the BIB work around this problem? (my replica BIB doesn’t put any pressure on any skin-which is good - but it puts too much pressure on the head)
any advice would be great of any sort

My erect girth is over 5, but my flaccid girth and so small for some reason.

The only way I can grip the internal structures with any hanger is using the BIB with no wrap.

Is this OK to do?

I’ve been to Walmart and CVS and can’t find this Theraband. Can someone tell me which retail establishments sell it? I’m looking in the sections that sell Ace bandages, bandages, sports pads/wraps, medical pads, band aids, etc..


SM… Go to a sports medicene or rehab type business. They sell it. It comes in different colors… different thicknesses. You want grey.

bouttime, you mean like a private doctor’s office? Do you think sports stores might sell this stuff? Thanks.

Look in the phone book for a Sports Medicene, Physical Therapy type business. They will be connected with a doctor, usually. The stuff was invented to do exercises against resistance in muscle and joint injuries. Different colors= different resistance.


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