Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all the handy mens show your hanger


Originally Posted by pauly891
I’m not sure which one’s better, your hanger or 10x7’s? Wanna trade for a Bib?! Anyone? Make me a good hanger or ads and I’ll give ya a Bib? I have no confidence in my handyman skills.

Also, what’s wrong with your Bib?

Originally Posted by HangerMan5000
hahah, I’m done with clamping hangers. I’m going to try and make a Max-Vac style hanger that can use a pump.

Why are you done with hangers? You said it gives excellent grip and is off and on in seconds.

I've been inspired!

After disappearing from here for over a year I have finally been inspired to quit being lazy and to get back to hanging and make my own hanger. I have tried the swim cap and the CCH3 and unfortunately none have really worked well for me. This time I decided to get some PVC and some silicone and just make my own and it WORKS! I posted some pics if anyone is interested. I can hang 10 pounds so far and hope to increase it over time. The silicone and Theraband work perfectly together. I tighten it with a round clamp. I’m currently 6 inches and looking to be at 8. We’ll see!

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Last edited by Mr. Schlong : 11-04-2009 at .

I found this, haven’t purchased it yet, however am looking to, is very cheap and comes with some rubber cushioning



Originally Posted by jelq_machine
I found this, haven’t purchased it yet, however am looking to, is very cheap and comes with some rubber cushioning



Looks good, but looks like a lot of work.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Nice looking hanger. I love the Disney strap. Maybe they could sponsor you if you mass produce them. lol

I use a home made vac hanger because I’m uncut and it seems to hold better. I would like to try to make something like yours just to give it a go and see if it works for me.

Starting Stats: BPEL - 7" MSEG - 5.75"

Goal: BPEL - 7.75" MSEG - 6.25"

Originally Posted by venombag
Nice looking hanger. I love the Disney strap. Maybe they could sponsor you if you mass produce them. lol

I use a home made vac hanger because I’m uncut and it seems to hold better. I would like to try to make something like yours just to give it a go and see if it works for me.

HA HA HA HA HA!!! It was all I could find that would withstand the abuse of hanging. I have since moved on to a Bib. But I wouldn’t mind Disney sponsorship. Hmmm.

Homemade hangers are fairly simple to make. I put th PVC in the oven at 200 degrees and it softens up in a couple minutes. I used a seasoning bottle to shape it and ran it under cold water to hold the form. I’m not sure how well it would work for uncut guys, but I think the answer lies in the wrap.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Originally Posted by Ten by Seven
OK my friends after 12 dollars and three hours of work here is a pic of my hanger. Is not really an easy one to make but it those work very good. I still thinking about purchasing one of the Bib hangers but for now this one is doing the work. Please be free to comment on it. Also I like to see other members hangers ideas please post some pics of your handy mens skills pretty sure every body else will enjoy see them to. Ten By Seven

Did you use pvc pipe?

In post #4 he says it is PVC.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Well, now that this post has been revived, I might just post a picture of the hanger I made, for everyone to laugh at how simple and lazy I have been to create the most lazy hanger of all times that is actually quite comfy. Particularly for those who are not that much of a handyman. Hell, I hate myself for not discovering this 25 years ago. I would be sporting a real donkey dick now if I did. haha
Anyways, the string is attached as tight as possible so it doesn’t go crazy on the position. Due to my curve to the left, I often have to correct the hanging angle with a hand when first placed, but later it stays ok. I made the pads out of the thing inside my proextender box, it;s kinda like Eva rubber, but I’m not totally sure. The string was the waist tightening string of one of my joggings that has worn out. And for weights I use the leg weights I have from when I used to train for Rugby. So I literally have spent no new money in this thing.

VERY IMPORTANT: When I started using it at first, there were no pads used, only the wrap, and after 6 weeks I started feeling some numbness in my glans area, so I added the pads and that has faded away. It also helped with the skin pinching from the attachment. I do have one picture using the old pad-less version in my progress pictures thread. And I strongly recommend to use pads if you’re thinking of using this kind of hanger.
2nd> The knot used is very simple and has to allow you to completely disarm it in 1 to 3 seconds at most. Weird and complicated knots might be used, but the deatachment could turn into a nightmare, avoid that.

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inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja


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