Thunder's Place

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Twisting in the Bib hanger


Twisting in the Bib hanger

Yippee - I’m hangin again! Well, I just started hanging again after two weeks off due to nerve damage/numbness. I am glad to get back into the groove again. I am fighting a small problem with my dick wanting to twist while in the hanger (I have a regular Bib). I did a search and found that others have suffered nerve distress due to twisting in the hanger. I am working on ways to solve this problem. I read where tightening it slowly and keeping it low in the hanger helps. I have lowered my hanging weight substantially from before. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, what did you do to correct it? I don’t want any shear stresses on my pecker nor do I want any more nerve problems. Input would be appreciated.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!



I think all you can do is to just try to hang as
flaccid as you can be, keeping it low in the hanger just enough and try to toe-out the
front end and the back end just enough as well. And be cautious.

Be safe.

Hey Jelktoid,

I posted about this awhile back. After dedicating several months to girth, I’ve only recently resumed hanging with the Starter, and have been playing again with various wraps, hanger adjustments and positioning.

It seems no matter what I do I can’t get the hanger to properly grasp the internal structures, so it works its way down to put quite a bit of pressure on the head — even with only the 3 to 5 pounds I’m currently using.

I’ve found the twisting is minimized, though not completely eliminated, when I keep more blood in the head. The engorged head seats better in the head well. Seems to be a fine balance between just enough blood and too much which results in uncomfortable pressure.


>It seems no matter what I do I can’t get the hanger to properly grasp the internal structures, so it works its way down to put quite a bit of pressure on the head — even with only the 3 to 5 pounds I’m currently using.<

It seems you do not have the hanger tight enough to begin with, or you are not re-tightening after hanging for a couple minutes. Sometimes, I would have to retighten a couple of times. Just pull the weight up by the hanger, and take another quarter or half turn on the top wing nut.


Did you search for the threads addressing twisting? I have written a lot about it. Several things you can try. It happened to me from time to time in the beginning.



I think I may have finally solved my twisting problem. I wrap with 1 1/2” wide sweatshirt starting on the head - right over my fingers. I gradually spiral down, pulling the skin back from underneath as I wrap. Then I use 1 1/2” wide Thera starting about 1/2” below the coronal ridge, also spiraled. So far, so good. Wrapping over the head seems to be the key for me. It has worked well the past week. I hope this post doesn’t jinx it. :)


That’s great! I am glad you found something that works for you. You wrap the Theraband .5 inches behind the glans? How far back from the glans do you attach the hanger?

How does the wrap over the head feel? Does it bother you at all? Can you still check on temp, color and feeling?

Even though you found something that works, every now and then try something else. You will probably find something even better.


Bib wrote:

That's great! I am glad you found something that works for you. You wrap the Theraband .5 inches behind the glans? How far back from the glans do you attach the hanger?

I attach a smidge behind the Thera, leaving just a bit of it exposed in front of the hanger. I wrote that I start the Thera 1/2” behind the glans. This is a guesstimate - could be closer to 3/4”. The key seems to be having a moderately snug underwrap over most of the head that would otherwise be left exposed with the standard wrapping technique. Supporting the skin in front of the hanger also minimizes fluid build-up.

I’ve played with this quite a bit, and have alternated wraps in consecutive sets during sessions with the same hanger adjustment and tightness. Standard wrap = twist. Wrap over head = little or no twist. It is repeatable. I’m just pointing this out to clarify that it isn’t some other variable affecting the twist. I’ve tried all kinds of adjustments, wraps, thicknesses of wrap, etc., and the one thing that seems to work for me so far is wrapping over the head.

Keeping more blood in the head and seating it in the hanger as I suggested earlier in this thread also worked. But as the weight increased, so did the pressure on the head. Not a good solution.

How does the wrap over the head feel? Does it bother you at all? Can you still check on temp, color and feeling?

The very end of the head is left uncovered. When hanging I can reach down and touch it to check feeling and temperature. It think it is important to have at least part of the head exposed to monitor what is going on.

I do experience some irritation, usually beginning on the second set. This is the same irritation I get using sweatshirt/Thera as an ADS. I may try a smoother underwrap, perhaps a well-powdered swimming cap, a thinner grade of Thera or ?

Someone suggested (sorry, can’t remember who) a very wide wrap cut from a rubber glove, wrapped over the head and foreshaft. I tried this using Thera, cloth, Ace bandage, etc., and learned wide wraps aren’t for me. I find it very difficult to apply a wide wrap and keep even tension across its breadth. Also, it is harder to pull the skin toward the base out of a snug wrap several inches wide due to the increased skin contact area than it is to tease the skin out of a 1.5” wrap as I spiral down.

Even though you found something that works, every now and then try something else. You will probably find something even better.

I’m always experimenting. I doubt I could stop if I were to try. :)

Try microfiber cloth as an underwrap for Thera. I find keeping the web strap short on the Bib circumvents twisting.

Sorry, keep the web strap on the Bib as LONG as possible keeps it from twisting. Being a Kraut i often say just the opposite of what i’m thinking.


I have had more problems than I could ever tell you with twisting. I solved them, however, by taking a hint from ledzep and Goingdeep. I wrap first with the silver Thera, and, like you, I wrap over the head. I than wrap with an ace bandage over the Thera. This has been the only way that I can hang without twisting. I am now pretty used to taking the Thera off. For a while, it killed me, but I think my skin is toughening up.

Good luck


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Hey jelktoid,

Cool. Over the head wrapping works for at least two chronic twisters.

I’ve shied away from using Thera as a first wrap, but maybe I’ll get some powder and give it another shot. I’ve been unwrapping after each set to do some Johan stretches and a few light jelqs. Having to peel off Thera each time would probably put an end to this.


What is microfiber cloth?

When you say lengthening the strap prevents twisting, do you mean twisting of the penis within the hanger, which is/was jelktoid’s and my problem, or rotation of the penis and hanger as a unit?

Both twists are related pehaps as the shorter the webbing the more unequal the pull. I use strips cut from a Martex Microfiber Hand Towel which is fine textured, stretches, not too thick and available at West Point Stevens stores. However, I would think old microfiber trousers or shirts would work equally well. I tried Ace, sweatshirt, baby socks, et al but this much better altho i am only hanging 12.5# in my second week of hanging.

Its the threaband spiral

I had the same problems - if I spiraled the treraband in on direction, the hang rotates one way - Spiral reverse and the rotation was in the other direction.

I cured this by using wider theraband and having a minimal spiral.

Hope this works for you


I had this problem, but once I waited until all tendency for erection had subsided before attaching the hanger, and extremely careful attention to putting the damn thing into the hanger on centre, then I have had no moer problems

Jelktoid, Hobby and others— I know you’ve got experience with ACE bandages, but whilst in the USA I bought one—it’s not a brand we have here in Australia, and I’m not sure about Europe, but it looks exactly the same as the other brands of open weave stretchy / self adhesive bandages that are available outside the USA. ( When you guys in the USA use brand names we in the rest of the world are often not sure that we can get exactly the same things.)

Anyway, I’ve been using it for two weeks now instead of Thera, spiralled as a second layer over sweatshirt material .

Its advantage is that if there is any tendency for erection whilst wrapping, because it is so stretchy and clings to itsself it tightens back onto the dick as the erection goes down. This removes the problem of having to re-wrap once the erection goes down, which I had to do with the theraband.

The grip onto the Bib Hanger is also much greater, I think, and I have not noticed any tendency for the Bib to either move forward on the dick, or for the Bib / wrap to twist in relation to the dick.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

It surely is good to see that P9 on the board again. Welcome back Pump, and I am glad you still remembered how to get here.

I hope your trip was a joy and a success, and that you had a good rest and are ready to resume gains.


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