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twisting while in BIB making it impossible to hang


Originally Posted by anonymous07128

I think I see the cause of confusion. ICM asked about engorgement of the CS. I referred to a possible CC solution. BG gave an explanation of the CS.

You said that you have not twisted while allowing some engorgement of the glans. Great. But you don’t want too much engorgement. That would not be good.

Too clarify, I was saying that you could gently adjust yourself by manually twisting the CC’s. But if you get confused with the CC’s and CS, just twist the portion of your penis between the the glans and the Hanger.

That’s if you are still twisting and need another solution. But definitely be careful of over-engorgement of the glans while hanging.

The CC’s would be the two side-by-side chambers in the penis. If you feel, you can differentiate the CC’s from the CS on the bottom.

Thanks for the clarification! I believe I have aleviated my issue by wrapping closer to the head and a little tighter. What exactly am I looking out for with over-engorgement of the glans? would that cause blisters on the head or any other visible signs?




>I just hanged a set using a tighter wrap to get head inflation…. seemed to have alleviated the twisting but now my problem is too much pressure behind the head. Maybe it’s all in my head and this is normal? On the bright side my dick was not at all blue, not one bit.<

It sounds as if you found your silver bullet. Wrapping tightness is one of the toughest things in PE to get the hang of. Be sure to use Growers technique of quantifying your amount of tightness. Mark your wrapping material when you find a good level of tightness.

Having too much pressure behind the head can be alleviated by squeezing the excess blood out of the head and upper shaft before attaching the hanger.

>another thing, my head, as I recall has never been quite that sensitive, so it’s hard for me to gage what is numb until it’s completely numb.<

Just do the best you can gauging sensitivity. As I stated in another thread, it is very hard to do permanent damage through PE. The biggest concern is how much time you will have to take off, delaying progress, if you become numb. Often, I worked through a period of numbness, recovering while I continued to hang. But only when I was sure of the problem, and sure of how to correct it. With limited experience, perhaps you should simply take time off till you heal. Do not take any chances.

>I believe I have aleviated my issue by wrapping closer to the head and a little tighter. What exactly am I looking out for with over-engorgement of the glans?<

That is a personal issue. I preferred a little blood in the head. Many guys, especially those with larger heads, do not want any extra blood in the head. Some using lighter weights like a lot of blood in the head.

The engorgement usually occurs because the wrap is causing a restriction. If you can piss while wrapped, the urethra is not restricted, more than likely, the blood vessels will not be constricted either, and no engorgement will occur. But your mileage may vary.

>would that cause blisters on the head or any other visible signs?<

I have not heard anything about blisters, but a too tight wrap will cause fluid buildup in the foreskin, which can be uncomfortable.

Did you try the wrapping technique before hanging? Engorging the head by tightening the last wrap a little and leaving it like that while you do your warming wrap? This really helped me alleviate twisting and helped the hanger grasp the internal structures. Just be sure to loosen that last wrap before you attach the hanger, and squeeze out the excess blood.


Not to disagree with anyones advice here, but I probably know as much about twisting in the Bib hanger as anyone. I had several bad twisting episodes that resulted in substantial numbness in my shaft and glans that lasted for several weeks. The regular sized Bib is the worst for twisting. I have two recommendations for you.

First, wrap with gray theraband as your first wrap. Put it directly on the skin of your penis and try to cover 1/3 of your glans with it. The theraband grips the skin and helps prevent the penis from twisting. Then, put on your second wrap. I use ace bandage for my second wrap.
Next, if you aren’t using a Bib starter, I suggest that you get one. I am now 8 inches nbp and I use the starter almost exclusively. I believe that it offers much greater flexibility. I can hang with the hanger right behind the glans to work the tunica or I can place it up high on the shaft to work the ligs.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


just out of curiousity when you say right benhind the head exactly how far away are you from your head?

Also, when are you going to post those after pics already?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>just out of curiousity when you say right benhind the head exactly how far away are you from your head? <

I place the starter about 1 inch behind the head.

>Also, when are you going to post those after pics already?<

It’s not after, yet. Although I’ve reached my length goal, I’m still going for more girth. When I get to 6.5” girth, I will post a pic.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Originally Posted by jelktoid
Not to disagree with anyones advice here, but I probably know as much about twisting in the Bib hanger as anyone. I had several bad twisting episodes that resulted in substantial numbness in my shaft and glans that lasted for several weeks. The regular sized Bib is the worst for twisting. I have two recommendations for you.

First, wrap with gray theraband as your first wrap. Put it directly on the skin of your penis and try to cover 1/3 of your glans with it. The theraband grips the skin and helps prevent the penis from twisting. Then, put on your second wrap. I use ace bandage for my second wrap.
Next, if you aren’t using a Bib starter, I suggest that you get one. I am now 8 inches nbp and I use the starter almost exclusively. I believe that it offers much greater flexibility. I can hang with the hanger right behind the glans to work the tunica or I can place it up high on the shaft to work the ligs.

Thanks Jelktoid,
1 Isn’t using theraband on the skin painful? I’ll try it though.
2.I can’t afford any more Bib products right now…actually I’d love to but I think my girlfriend would shoot me:)



Okay I am going INSANE.I cannot figure out what is wrong for the life of me. now the damned wrap is putting pressure on my head. I seriously have no idea what to do. The twisting is alleviated, but I have been wrapping time after time, trying to get it perfect but NOTHING works. can someone tell me how long it’s going to take me to learn how to wrap and start actually hanging some good time? this SUCKS :(



gave up on it tonight after about 20 wrappings. it simply is not working. I’ve gotta give it a rest before I smash the thing against the wall >:O

no offense but the captains wench was easier to setup and get hanging, even with build time. factor in that I’m mechanically disinclined :/




Chill out a little. Getting it all together can be a bitch. I went through my frustrations too.

I read the advice on engorgement. And even though it is endorsed by Big Daddy Bib himself, I don’t like to have my glans engorged while hanging.

I also read about wrapping the head or using Thera against the skin. While I didn’t even get to hang using the partial head wrap method, I didn’t like it. I couldn’t wrap the glans without a third hand.

I also tried latex against the skin. Initially I liked it. But I tended to pinch my shaft in the top teeth as the Hanger closed. And after I put a little lube under that latex, the hanger would slide forward after the weight was hung.

I said all that to point out that different things have worked for different guys. You just have to relax a bit and find what works for you. Try a little later after you have calmed down a bit. Or if you are too disgusted tonight, try it tomorrow with a fresh mind. You’ll get it right.

I don’t like engorging the head either. But keep a cool attitude. No need in getting hot and bothered man….understand?

Just squeeze the blood out and you will be fine….Don’t stop, keep going and you will get it. Read the thread “Repeatability of Wrapping.”

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>1 Isn’t using theraband on the skin painful? I’ll try it though.<

I use a little cocoa butter (actually Palmers cocoa in stick form) underneath the theraband. This makes the removal process much less painful.

>2.I can’t afford any more Bib products right now…<

I totally understand. Sometimes Bib will do an exchange. I don’t know your current size, but if you are under 7” bone pressed, the starter is a much better tool.

Don’t get frustrated. Hanging requires fine tuning. You’ll get there.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Originally Posted by machtenx
Would you mind elaborating a little?

I use a bunge cord to connect the weight to the hanger and if there is so much as a tiny twist in the cord then it starts a spin of sorts on the Bib… I’ve experiemented with it and found in my case that the twist is all about the weight hook up…



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