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twisting while in BIB making it impossible to hang


twisting while in BIB making it impossible to hang

I am getting really frustrated with hanging because I am unable to keep my dick straight in the Bib.

I have a curve to the left.

I try to make sure my dick is ABSOLUTELY straight when i put it in the bib. Then after I’ve positioned myself for hanging my head is turned to the left or right and it feels kind of numb:(

twice I’ve given up because I simply could NOT get it to sit right in the hanger.

I’m about to give up on hanging and just stick with pure pumping….is there ANYTHING that I can do to fix this problem? Thanks guys



Here is another thread by Hobby who also had this problem. Maybe these experiences will help you:

Twisting in Bib

Oh yeah, that job thing, how many people have recommended "The Apprentice" ? Send in your application for the next show!

Originally Posted by gprent101
Here is another thread by Hobby who also had this problem. Maybe these experiences will help you:

Twisting in Bib

Oh yeah, that job thing, how many people have recommended "The Apprentice" ? Send in your application for the next show!

Thanks gprent, that was a useful thread. I’ll try some of those methods and report back.




Several guys have reported that either the light jelqing before hanging, or wrapping to increase head and upper shaft girth have helped them with twisting lately.

I used the wrapping method. Just wrap as you normally would for hanging, but on the last wrap, make it tight enough so that the head and upper shaft swell. Then apply your pre hanging heat for a good while. Then, when you are warmed up and ready to hang, loosen the last wrap to normal hanging tightness (piss able). See if the hanger is able to grip better using this method. But be sure to get the excess blood out of the head before you attach the hanger.



Fear not, I tend to twist in the BH myself. With a good strength erection, I angle to the right. Having a penis that is not straight might cause this (but then again, I suppose very few penises are 100% straight).

Anyway, I try to lay my penis in the BH where it is not rotated to either the left or right. Then tighten. And, if after tightening, I am not completely straight - I straighten myself manually.

I just grab the CC’s that are between the glans and the BH, and gently get myself to completely straight. Give it a try, along with the other advice, and see what works for you.

As far as the numbness, it could be conditioning. Either the wrap is too tight, the tissues are not yet adapted to the shaft compression while in the Hanger, or you may have been too aggressive with the amount of weight used.

Just take the time to experiment a bit and find what is comfortable. That may be easier said than done if you are the type that likes to ‘jump in with both feet’. I would know because I tend to do that. Just take it slow and everything should work out for you.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions, just as you have. There is a lot collective hanging experience in this forum and almost all are very helpful when they have the experience to point a guy in the right direction.

Some excellent advice for you above machtenx.

Here’s my contribution:

Now I know you’ve got good girth, so I wouldn’t put it down to that. However, what’s your CS engorgement like just before hanging?

We haven’t discussed wrapping materials yet, what are you using? A change in material(s) or amount may help.

Finally, if none of the above works I have one or two more tricks up my sleeve for you, should all else fail.

Let us know how you get on.

I have experienced this myself and have found it to be 100% related to the way the weight is attached to the BH…


Starting my wrap over the head is the only way that I’ve been able to minimize twisting.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

My wrapping materials are sweatshirt material and theraband.

Excuse my ignorance but what is CS?

wrapping over the head did not help, it just felt like more pressure on my head; felt worse than the twisting.(that is if it solved it; I couldn’t see)

this stinks, pumping isnt turning out so well and this frustration with hanging isn’t making for fun pe times for me right now.

going to look for another way though. perseverance = success (i hope)



Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
I have experienced this myself and have found it to be 100% related to the way the weight is attached to the BH…


Would you mind elaborating a little?




I am about to go get a workout, so after this I’ll be MIA for a bit. But:

Did you try to wrap as you normally do, then just adjust yourself manually as I described above? If you are not wrapping in an extremely wrong type of way, that method should work (it works for me anyway).

If that is not helping, then maybe you need to give as much detail about your set up as possible, as ICM said. Maybe someone with more experience will see a flaw there.

And the CC’s and CS are the three cambers that fill with blood to create an erection.

I just hanged a set using a tighter wrap to get head inflation…. seemed to have alleviated the twisting but now my problem is too much pressure behind the head. Maybe it’s all in my head and this is normal? On the bright side my dick was not at all blue, not one bit.

As for more detail:
I am using adjustable dumbbell style plates with a nylon strap wrapepd through them tied a loop. I hook this onto the S hook of the BIB.

another thing, my head, as I recall has never been quite that sensitive, so it’s hard for me to gage what is numb until it’s completely numb.

anyone else have a fairly insensitive glans?



(CS) Corpora Spongiosum the chamber that runs the length of the tunica on the under side of the shaft (ventral) from the body to the glands connecting with the frenium.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
(CS) Corpora Spongiosum the chamber that runs the length of the tunica on the under side of the shaft (ventral) from the body to the glands connecting with the frenium.


Thanks. How the hell would I pull on that while attached?




I think I see the cause of confusion. ICM asked about engorgement of the CS. I referred to a possible CC solution. BG gave an explanation of the CS.

You said that you have not twisted while allowing some engorgement of the glans. Great. But you don’t want too much engorgement. That would not be good.

Too clarify, I was saying that you could gently adjust yourself by manually twisting the CC’s. But if you get confused with the CC’s and CS, just twist the portion of your penis between the the glans and the Hanger.

That’s if you are still twisting and need another solution. But definitely be careful of over-engorgement of the glans while hanging.

The CC’s would be the two side-by-side chambers in the penis. If you feel, you can differentiate the CC’s from the CS on the bottom.

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