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Uncut hanging using bibstarter

Uncut hanging using bibstarter

I’m writing this post purely out of desperation. I’ve come to the end of my tether!

I’m trying to hang using a bibstarter. I am uncut and have, possibly due to jelqing, more skin than I would assume is normal. I’m finding it extremely difficult to hang any weight without losing circulation! In fact, I have yet to accomplish it. If the circulation is not cut off, the bib readily slides straight over the glans with little force (I’m only trying to hang 2kg).

I guess all I am looking for is a few suggestions/tips from the uncut hangers out there. Can any uncut members tell their preferred bibstarter setup? My skin is not particularly sensitive, so skin soreness shouldn’t be a major issue.

Thanks. I won’t be defeated!

You probably know that the forum software does an automatic search when a new post is made and it creates a list of similar threads. Did any of those listed in the box below help? If you search for “toe in” (include the quotes), and limit your search to the Hangers Forum, you should find some threads about adjusting the Bib. Searching the Hanger’s forum for uncircumcised or uncut should also produce threads that might be helpful.

What wrap are you using?


In short,

1. Use standard wrapping techniques shown in the video on this forum.
2. When wrapping leave your foreskin covering the glans in its natural position.
3. The wrap should be snug but not too tight.
4. Get your hanger on tight.
5. Use 10 minutes sets instead of 20 min. The max I can do is 15 minutes.
6. Heat your unit when hanging
7. Don’t use heavy weights, the above should work for the weights under 12-14 pounds.

Starting hanging, uncut

p.s. it’s a real bitch to hang heavy when you are uncut.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Last edited by sparky91 : 03-23-2005 at .

Success! Thanks Sparky, leaving the foreskin made an enormous difference! I’m limiting my sets to 8 minutes as the bottom half of my glans still seem to be having circulation problems. Strange.


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