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Alright, let me first preface this by saying that I am in no way handy or inventive. However, I would really like to make a weightpost as I believe it would make stabilizing my weights much easier. I’ve come across a few different threads mentioning weight posts or loading pins. Here is one of them authored by Tryn4more.
Who’s a cocksmith ?? post#8

Anyway, if anyone could expand on these concepts in more detail or give me a completely different way to construct a weightpost, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here is one of the finer ideas I’ve seen for a weightpost by Springer. You could probably achieve this result without a torch by simply immersing whatever end of the pvc you are working on into boiling water.

Here is an idea for suspending the weight

Easier method

I encountered the same problem, but the solution I came up with, after I created the Captain’s Wench, was take a piece of the strap purchased, around 15 inches long doubled over, tied one end to an old screwdriver for the base, and poked one end of the ‘S’ hook through the other end.

________________________________ }slide weights over S hook and rest on screwdriver
\/ |

SSS } S hook
.II _________________
.II |________________|
.II }weights
.II _________________
.II |________________|
.II } leftover strap
============IIDDDDD } screwdriver

I’m hanging 17 lbs ( 10lb plate, 5lb and a 2lb) and have never experience a problem. I work for an ISP, I’m not a handyman either, so welding and other ‘manly’ tools where out of the question as I dont have them.
Hope this helps ! :)

Last edited by French_Kiss : 05-18-2004 at .

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I will try Springer’s idea first although your idea is very creative French. Two questions though, what does he mean when he says he squashed one end in the vice? And could you find schedule 40 pvc at a place like home depot?

I’ve been away from PE for a bit, and am back at it. Hanging and intensive ADS is the program for the moment. So needless to say, during my time off-I wasn’t visiting the site regularly. Have been catching up on threads that I’ve missed, over the last few day’s.

As far as this weight post, Iv’e had a few guy’s contact me via PM requesting that they would like to have one. I apologize for not responding sooner.

I would be willing to make some of these if the demand warranted. Payment would be via Paypal only, and on a first-pay first-ship basis. If you have any interest in one of the weight post’s, you can PM me for details. They accept the flat weights that are sold at Walmart, that are pictured in the original post.

And to the fella’s that contacted me, and I didn’t respond to-sorry!


"If you build it, they will come".

I guess I never understood the necessity of the weight post thing….I just attach my plates to my extended cord (which is a shoelace wrapped in milk jug plastic) and sling the whole thing over my shoulder.

I have plates of every size in increments of 1.75 lbs, so at the most I would have a big plate and two tiny small plates on my hanger at any given time. The I move back up to a 5 pounder and the tiny plates go away. Other than that, I would just be using a single plate, like a 5 pounder or a 10 pounder. Each plate is attached via a bent coat-hanger that can hook on to my extended-milk-jug-plastic-cord-thingy.

Especially depending on your angle, it seems it would be definitely easier if the plates were vertical to the floor.

Also, because my plates lay flush against my back, I can utilize more stealth. I’ve had full blown conversations with people with hanger slung over my shoulder and a sweater or jacket or robe on. No one would ever know because the bulk is diminished.

I guess if you have thirty 1 lbs plates (or worse, smaller) or something crazy like that, would a weight post be necessary. But then I would just buy bigger plates.

Other than that, IMO my way definitely seems easier. Quick and dirty, and of course free. I think there have been pics befoe, but I guess I could take a pic if someone really wants to see.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Last edited by bigblackstick : 06-08-2004 at .

Hey bbs,

Where are you getting 1.75lb plates?

I have an Olympic weight set and weights from a 1” bar, but they are both in 2.5lb increments.

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
Hey bbs,

Where are you getting 1.75lb plates?

I have an Olympic weight set and weights from a 1” bar, but they are both in 2.5lb increments.

Yah, the weights I use on my post are 2.5’s sold at Walmart.
With the 2.5’s,it makes it real easy to go up or down in weight in relatively small increment’s.

And they store well also.

"If you build it, they will come".

Whoops….that should read 1.25 lbs. I like my jumps small (albeit not to small) as possible so as to ease into it.

I saw them around and and knew they existed, I just had to hunt for them. I got mine at Play it Again Sports, its a used sporting good franchise. You buy them individually, cheap as fuck, they come off of a standard barbell set, not Olympic, so the center hole is smaller, and the plates are smaller and thinner. Olympic plates are good for weightlifting, but not for hanging. Standard plates are erfect IMO for this type of thing.

I got a 5 lbs plate, a 10 lbs, a 20lbs, and 3 1.25 lbs plates. This is more than enough at just under 40 lbs. They were sold by the lb so it was dirt cheap. The whole thing I’m pretty sure was under 15 bucks, maybe even under 10. The trick is getting the 1.25 lb plates. I saw those 2.5 lbs at Wal-mart, but I wanted smaller jumps then that. I think I remember BIB telling me he had 1lb plates too…..

Look around, but they exist.

Maybe, that is why you guys move up in weight so quickly…….. :)

If you want I can post some pics of my equipment tonight.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

So far all I can come across is 2.5lb increments. I think I have either seen or heard of 1.25lb, though. Just can’t find them.

I use some collars off a standard set. They are the crome, screw on type. I don’t know how much it weighs, but I’m pretty sure it’s less than the 2.5lb.

All my ‘pushing the envelope’ hanging is a thing of the past. I take it easy these days.

I guess I never understood the necessity of the weight post thing….I just attach my plates to my extended cord (which is a shoelace wrapped in milk jug plastic) and sling the whole thing over my shoulder.

BBS, hanging over the shoulder and straight down are different ballgames, especially when it comes to preference concerning plates hanging vertical or horizontal. It requires a much less tall chair if the plates are hanging horizontally rather than vertically.

Weightposts are not required for either, but I do believe having one will make things much easier. It takes me quite a bit of time to get my hanger in the right position as far as the hanger drifting when I start my set, and often times it drifts during the set. The longer it takes, the harder it is for me to stay motivated.

Originally Posted by Revolution
BBS, hanging over the shoulder and straight down are different ballgames, especially when it comes to preference concerning plates hanging vertical or horizontal. It requires a much less tall chair if the plates are hanging horizontally rather than vertically.

Not really, I have hung SO, SD, and BTC for many months in the beginning (before LOT was discovered) using the same equipment I do now. It does not require a taller chair, you just simply make your attachment cord shorter, or hang the weights directly of the hanger. I never had a problem. If you like using a weightpost and going horizontal, go for it. I was just offering an alternative style, which is cheaper (free), quicker (don’t have to build or create a weightpost), more stealthier (depending on position) and apparently less of an overall hassle.

>”Weightposts are not required for either…”<

I agree.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

It does not require a taller chair, you just simply make your attachment cord shorter, or hang the weights directly of the hanger.

That depends on how tall your chair is and the size of the weights you are using. But even if everything you say is correct, drifting is still a problem for me whenever I use a cord or string to attach the weights to the hanger.

To Revolution:

there’s an internet site to get a weight post, it’s called here’s the link directly to the product:

http://www6.mai lordercentral.c … 20&pagenumber=2

and as for small plates, you can go to FX!マネーの虎 and go the "plates" section on the side bar. inside the "plates" section, there is a list of products, go to product #7

here’s the link:

hope that helps

Thanks for taking the time to post that dorian, I might have gone for one of those if tryn hadn’t come back. I really like the circumference of the aluminum relative to the plates that can be put on it, so I think I am going to buy one of his weightposts now that he is so kindly offering to make them.


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