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What are your bibhanger settings?

What are your bibhanger settings?


I’m curious, what settings do you all have on the adjustable nuts of your bibhangers. Could you do me a favour and give me a few measurements:

Your wrapped flaccid girth,
The gap in mm of the bottom nuts (closest to head when hanging)
The gap in mm of the top nuts (closest to base)

And also how you find your hanging? if its comfortable, if you get any slipping, discolouration etc

Thanks to anyone who replies.

someone reply….


Sorry that no one responded earlier. There may be slight differences depending upon whether you use the regular or the starter. I toe the hanger out just slightly. Toe out is when the gap at the front of the hanger is wider than the back gap.

Another thing that I fight is pinching at the top of the hanger. My current size is 8x6. I use both hangers, although lately I have been using the Starter more because it gives me more range to move it around. With my girth, I have to use my thumb and index finger to press down on the top of my shaft when I tighten the hanger in order to prevent pinching.

The one thing that you will find out is that your setup will be different. No two guys adjust their hangers the same. I had to go to a wrap method that covers half of the head in order to prevent twisting in the hanger. I know of one other guy who wraps like that. Experimentation is the key. Try several variations and you will get it right. Good luck.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


“Ok now,

I can see 3 threads in between the nuts up front and 6 threads in between the nuts in the back.

Whoa baby I’m toe-in man.

Makes for a nice snug fit for me.”

This is an older post but it give the general idea!




I can see three threads in front toward the head and
2 threads at the back.

happy hanging..

I added one nut to the two nuts in the front of the hanger to increase the gap in the front (toe out). I am currently wrapping with a strip of material cut from a viscose nylon camp towel. It is a thick felt like material. I also had to go to a wrap method that covers half of the head but I am doing it for comfort. I have not had any problem with twisting.

I am not finding hanging very comfortable, in fact it is low grade painful a lot of the time. I feel that this is most likely due to breaking in and learning curve etc. I have tried many different wrap methods and I find it difficult to wrap the same way twice.

I have not had any slipping or discolouration that did not go away in a short while after the hanger and wrap was removed.

I am currently hanging 6.25 lbs straight out 6 sets a day 15 min sets. I started hanging with a bib regular in January.


> I added one nut to the two nuts in the front of the hanger to increase the gap in the front (toe out). <

I don’t understand. Why not just run out the front nut a little bit? Why did you add a nut?

>I am not finding hanging very comfortable, in fact it is low grade painful a lot of the time. I feel that this is most likely due to breaking in and learning curve etc. I have tried many different wrap methods and I find it difficult to wrap the same way twice.<

Exactly where are you getting pain. That is not a goal. Give some more information, and we can probably help you.

>I am currently hanging 6.25 lbs straight out 6 sets a day 15 min sets. I started hanging with a bib regular in January. <

Any problems in moving up to that many sets? Did the pain start from the beginning, or did you notice it at some specific point?

Have you had any gains, or measured yet?



>I don’t understand. Why not just run out the front nut a little bit? Why did you add a nut?<

I added a nut because I wanted to try a repeatable amount of toe out for comfort and I thought the wing nut needed to be tightened down on something so it would not just spin by accident.

>Exactly where are you getting pain. That is not a goal. Give some more information, and we can probably help you. <

Well the pain or discomfort is right behind the head where the hanger attaches. It is caused by skin pulling against the wrap or hanger. I do not always have discomfort. I think the difference is in how I wrap and how much blood is in the head area.

I should ask you about my original problem, because my attempt to correct it may have caused the current discomfort. When I wrap as per directions 1/2 to 1 inch back from head I had a problem with small water blisters. They would go away after a few hours but I would stop hanging for the day. Anything I could do to prevent this? Or was I doing something wrong to cause blisters?

>Any problems in moving up to that many sets? Did the pain start from the beginning, or did you notice it at some specific point?<

I don’t always hang 6 sets because of time or fatigue. Most times I could hang more but I don’t have the time. I think the discomfort is caused by my wrapping over the head to prevent water blisters. It does prevent blisters but if you don’t wrap just right it causes discomfort.

>Have you had any gains, or measured yet?<

Yes I have had gains, Listed on Size’s PE Data site. but I have been stalled as of late and I was hoping I could learn how to hang and break out of this plateau.

I think that I just need to learn to wrap and adjust the tightness of the hanger properly. I will go back and reread the directions and start over. Any advice will be most welcome.



>I added a nut because I wanted to try a repeatable amount of toe out for comfort and I thought the wing nut needed to be tightened down on something so it would not just spin by accident.<

You are correct about the wing nut needing to be tightened down on something. But it can tighten down on the hanger half, vised between the hex nut (placed where you want it) and the wing nut. I understand about adding another nut to an exact setting.

>Well the pain or discomfort is right behind the head where the hanger attaches. It is caused by skin pulling against the wrap or hanger. I do not always have discomfort. I think the difference is in how I wrap and how much blood is in the head area. <

You use a “viscose nylon camp towel” as an underwrap. Is this material elastic? If not, that could be your problem. As the hanger is tightened, and weight attached, it may not be giving and causing a noose effect. The hanger needs to be able to tighten down to grip the internal structures without any other effects. That is why elasticity is so important in the wraps. Also, you might be wrapping too tight.

>I should ask you about my original problem, because my attempt to correct it may have caused the current discomfort. When I wrap as per directions 1/2 to 1 inch back from head I had a problem with small water blisters. They would go away after a few hours but I would stop hanging for the day. Anything I could do to prevent this? Or was I doing something wrong to cause blisters?<

If by water blisters you mean fluid buildup, that is not uncommon after hours of hanging. But it should not occur quickly. If you notice the fluid within a short time, then probably the wrap is too tight. A good test is to wrap, and then leave it alone for ten minutes. If the head swells by itself, then the wrap is too tight. Further, the fluid buildup will not cause any harm. Pumpers can attest to that. It can be a little uncomfortabel at first, but the area adjusts and soon it if fine.

I think that I just need to learn to wrap and adjust the tightness of the hanger properly. I will go back and reread the directions and start over. Any advice will be most welcome.

Get back to me on the wrapping thing.


Back to the original subject - I see three threads in the front and four in the back. Which means slightly toed in, but with two wrappings of ace bandage under theraband the base is slightly larger in circumference, and therefore I am basically clamping “straight”. Sorry, I do not know the circumference.

I do know if I wrap too loose it generally gets pinched in the top of the bibhanger.

Currently at 14 pounds and the ligs aren’t getting fatiqued. I’m trying to work through the skin stretch and wrapping issues (head turns dark ) to get up to 16 pounds.


I just changed my hanger settings because of circulation kind of problem.. from three threads in front I changed it to six threads and from two threads at the back I changed it to five threads and I feel much more comfortable with my new settings..

good luck.

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