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Bibhanger or Bibstarter

Bibhanger or Bibstarter

I have almost 5.75 BPEL and about 5.25 erect girth. Should I get the bibstarter or bibhanger? I’ve read the site, but I would like Bib’s opinion as well as some members.

Thank you.

Bibstarter, the bibstarter is perfect for you in fact I think it’s better hanger for all sizes unless you just want to stretch ligs. I wish I had gotten the starter to start with I think because it’s smaller it will also stretch the tunica. You could also try building a wench for 10 bucks.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have both and with the starter I feel more stretch in the tunica. The regular is great for skin and lig stretch.

How much weight can you guys hang with the starter? Seems that the starter would have to be really tight to hang over say 15lbs. I’m only using 12 lbs.

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