What Did It For You?
When you made what you consider noticable or overcame platued gains?
Was it hanging two hours a day? Was it an ads? Although uncommon, two guys have made length gains through pumping. Was it an extender? Was it when you added heat? Was it when you pumped or clamped after your hanging work , for the day.
For me I hung a year 4-6 sets daily and gained 1/4-1/3 of an inch in length, in a little over a year, 500 hours. After an injury I hung three years, over one thousand hours,. At 31 lbs for a few sets everyday, for a couple or few months at a time, gained 0.25 base girth . Really a 0.25 length and 0.25 girth gain. Nothing to really say this did it for me. For you, if something did it for you, please share and share what your length and girth went from and to
Currently not going as heavy , slowly increasing weight. Compression hanging an hour, 20 %or so more weight, untill have to drop weight ,then vac hanging an hour.