What feeling am I looking for??
I need it clarified on what ‘feeling’ I am looking for while hanging. This is specifically speaking to BTC. First I use the modified bib made out of pvc pipe. I have not gained since June of 2002, so I am on an extended plateau. Today’s session however felt different than what I had experienced before. A lot of times when hanging BTC I feel a very strong tension on the cord-like substance that runs through the penis, I feel this almost on the underneath side of my unit and this is a very concentrated feeling. Today’s session however was spread out across the base of the penis more on the top-side. It was not at all concentrated on that cord-like substance. It was very spread out evenly across the base of my unit. I can actually still feel the soreness spread throughout the base. Usually I only experience fatigue or soreness while hanging. As soon as I undo the hanger the fatigue goes away. This feels different.
Have I been searching for the wrong feeling? Is this tension across the base of the penis what I am looking for? Is the cord-like substance that I feel not a ligament at all? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys
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