Decreased Kegel Feeling
Short Version: After two months of CONSISTENT kegel workouts, with regular breaks, I no longer feel *stretched* after a kegel workout. Has anyone else had this issue?
Long Version: So while I’m not technically a newbie to PE, I figured that this is a pretty basic question and would be most appropriate here. Here is my issue. I’ve
Always had issues with the strength of my erections, so after browsing around, I decided to give kegel exercises a try. They have worked wonders so far, and I get rock hard erections. Here is the issue though. After about 2 months of doing intense kegel exercises, I’ve started to notice that I no longer have the same feeling down there when I try to stretch it. Before, it honestly felt like I was doing a GREAT stretch, and I really felt like I had worked it. But lately, I’ve started feeling like when I do my kegels, I’m doing more of a pull, or a tug, and not a stretch. It doesn’t feel worked at all after I’m done, and is a little upsetting. I still get rock hard erections, which is good, but I’m just worried that I might have hurt the muscle down there. It can’t be because I over worked it, I’ve done the same kegel workout for the past two months, and haven’t felt anything different until now. I also take breaks in order to heal. Has anyone else experience this?
Thanks in advance for your time and response