Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Where to purchase a Bib Hanger



Let me just say that this is “Mighty Big” (pun intended) of you to post this thread. It’s open mindedness and your regard for benefiting all PE that makes this special.


Start: EL: 5.8" EG: 4.8" Current: EL: Approx 7.0" EG: 5.7"


This shows what kind of man you really are.
I am proud to be a member here and I am proud to support this forum.
Well Done!

Originally Posted by Andrew69

This shows what kind of man you really are.
I am proud to be a member here and I am proud to support this forum.
Well Done!

Hear, hear, Andrew! I have just come out in goosebumps. I don’t mind, it only happens occasionally, when I see or hear something which is very agreeable.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

My non sexual Man crush on Thunder just got stronger.

:rolling: Sixer has goosebumps!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Last edited by rousseau506 : 07-27-2004 at .


Yep, this is what sets Thunder’s appart from every other f*cking site on the web. This place is about helping guys get a bigger unit (and in lots of other ways to) end of story.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Well Thunder’s is really the bastion of PE and I really feel that it will stand long after all these other sites go belly up. Even if integrity is not as appreciated as it once was, I think at some point people will wake up and smell the coffee.

I am sure someday Tom Jr. will come here and hear legends about how we got to talk with President Thunder when he was still just doing a PE website. :D

-Tom “The Masked PE Avenger” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

How long does it usually take to receive a hanger after you place an order?

Originally Posted by sheneedsmore
How long does it usually take to receive a hanger after you place an order?

I recieved mine about 5 days after mailing out the money order.

I have been waiting over 3 weeks and paid with a credit card. I have tried to contact him but I still haven’t received any response. Anybody got any ideas?

You can notify bib at his email ( but be sure to notify lightning at mos to make sure they have your order. Its more important to notify lightning at mos since bib does not handle the payment system and what not. Aparently they had some kind of problem with paypal and switching to a new system.

EDIT: other people had similar problems as evidenced here:

EDIT#2: As hobby has made evident the email is not bib_hangers but bib_hanger (singular). I changed it above.

EDIT #3: By notify I meant PM. To do this you will need to be a member at MOS.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Last edited by Tube : 09-14-2004 at .

Tube beat me to it. :) Yeah, you might also want to check with his new business partners.

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