Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Which is better...?


Which is better...?

Which is better…

Hanging as much weight as you can possibly handle for just a few sets (say maybe three or four sets)

or hanging a lighter weight throughout the day (say over nine or ten sets)?

Which do people generally think is better? (and why?)

I can’t provide personal evidence, but I’ve come to the conclusion that milder forms of any stress (pumping/hanging/clamping/stretching) over longer periods of time are more productive than shorter bursts at higher intensities. (That said, I still have trouble keeping my finger off the pump trigger :-) That’s based on much reading here, and it makes the most sense to me. My gut feeling is that this encourages growth, whereas brief/heavy techniques cause the unit to ‘fight back’, i.e., resist growth by toughening up to handle the trauma. Still, I look forward to reading more responses to this question. I.e., is it better to ‘shock’ a system occasionally and then let it rest, vs. keeping it under mild tension constantly. Or a combination of both? My routine consists of alternating pumping and clamping, then hanging, with light weights, for as long as possible to keep everything stretched. Time is my main deterrent to using hanging as a primary PE method.

According to anecdotal evidence, the best EL gainers have been long-term hangers.

Of course, you would have to define the term, “better”, Dr. Richards. I’d rather spend one hour a day with a weight attached to my cock, rather than spending three hours a day hanging. That’s “better” to me.


I was going to wait a while before posting but it seems that for me this is one of those questions who’s answer is obvious only once it’s been asked:

From what I myself have read I think that the longer one can stay stretched the better, so more sets at a lower weight are better than less sets with more weight, but I’m wondering if there are members who think differently.

Maybe a better question to ask is: all things being equal what’s the best time-to-weight ratio for gains (not a new question).

My guess would be that a hanger should be looking to be totally fatigued (i.e. not able to hang any more sets) by the end of the time allotted for hanging. So if the hanger has either five hours to hang ten sets or two hours to hang four sets, either way total fatigue should be reached ideally at the end of the last set in either case.

I think that reaching fatigue in under four sets might harm gains since the weight would have to be increased to such an extent that it might cause the ‘shock response’.

Having said that I have heard of hangers that have hung very very heavy for just one or two sets but I’ve not heard enough from these heavy hangers to draw any conclusions as to it’s efficacy (personally I’m not sure if it should be recommended).

As far as I know from what I’ve read I think hanging very heavy weights might be detrimental to gains.

If there are other people with other ideas (more info. to bare out the above, or ideas to the contrary etc.) I’d be very interested in reading what they have to post.

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 06-19-2006 at .

Mr. F, I am doing both. When I hang I do it at the highest intensity possible, regardless of duration. Then I use lighter weight to stay stretched for the rest of the day. I use Pete Sisco’s high-intensity weight routine, which is based on the theory that it is intensity that causes muscle to grow, not duration. But since there are ligaments and cavernous areas to be stretched as well, I know I have to do more than a short high-intensity hang.

I’ve had some quick gains, my wife can no longer take my entire length in certain positions, I am entering her cervix in every position, and my BPSFL is 1.5” longer than it was seven weeks ago. I get almost zero turtling as well.

Of course, I’ve only been doing this for seven weeks, so I am not declaring success yet.too early. Also, Big Girtha posted on a similar routine that I just found on Friday, so credit goes to him.

That’s interesting— I hadn’t considered hanging to reach fatigue at the beginning of the routine.

Someone else has touched on that idea in the other thread (Routine Assistance & General Hanging Questions)

After reading that thread I’ve upped my weight to approx. 10lbs in the last half-hour (inspired by this thread also: EXTREME Hanging)

I’m currently at 7 & 3/8ths after after a three-month deconditioning break, and I want to reach 8bpel by the end of the year (hopefully by October). I’m not sure if that’s an unrealistic goal or not but I’m hoping it should be achievable.

A lot for a short time or a little for a long time?

Instead of either extreme, how about a happy medium?

Devote an hour or two per day to hanging. Adjust the weight used as needed.

I’ve settled at about six to seven pounds since I’ve just got back from a decon break and can’t really manage too much more.

I hung about 7lbs for 12 sets yesterday and hung one or two at 10lbs but it’s caused bruising to the skin below the hanger and I’ve got a lot of lymph build-up around a new scar, also just below the hanger.

I hung about 3 sets at 7lbs this morning but it’s causing the skin around the scar to sweat some kind of clear liquid, so I’ve dropped the weight back down to about 5 to 6lbs. I can’t imagine that it’s doing nothing for me. I’m sure it has to be working. At any rate I’m feeling a good pull and lots of fatigue up towards my abs.

GKJ— thanks for the input :) I read that Bib did indeed reach 45lbs towards the end of the time he spent hanging but he made most of his gains at much lower weights. I think he only increased the weight due to conditioning and needing more weight to continue gaining. I’m hoping my deconditioning-break will help me make faster gains at a lower rate. I’m hoping I’ll be able to continue gaining with weights at between 6 and 10lbs. I know the anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise but I’ve been gaining consistently and I’ve never been able to hang more than 10 to 11lbs for more than a couple of sets. I guess time will tell.

There are more ways than one to increase intensity. Many guys get hung up on the stupid, macho, “more weight” kick. It’s a recipe for injury.

Fulcrum hanging, working the angles, increasing time, adding heat all can increase the intensity of hanging. I’m using less that half the weight I used before my (long) break from hanging, and I seem to be making good gains.


I just posted this in another thread:

I hit on a new hang today, at least it’s new for me. I’m using Bib’s gear, and did about 25 minutes of the fulcrum hang with 3.5 lbs to tire things out a bit. Then I added 10lbs, and stood up. After about 10 minutes of standing I leaned over onto my desk, and felt new stress on the root of the top ligs, and also lots of stress at the very root of my penis, just front of my anus. It was intense, and I can still feel the fatigue.

I use Pete Sisco’s weight workout, which is basically holding as much weight as possible for 5-15 seconds one or two inches short of lock-out. I’ve been doing it for about two years, and while I adapted it a bit it works, at least in terms of the amount of weight I can handle. So I’ve thought that heavy weights for a short duration might work for the smooth muscle in the penis also.

As for the ligs, I am using the breast milk workout, which we all know is 100% effective. I’m serious, because has any woman gotten pregnant and NOT had her breast ligaments (Cooper’s Ligament) stretched out? How much do breasts swollen with milk weigh? Five pounds each? It seems to only take one pregnancy to see Cooper’s Droop, but continued pregnancies add to the effect. So after a hanging workout I put on four or five weights, and wear them for the rest of the day.

I am not recommending this approach to anyone else.

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
There are more ways than one to increase intensity. Many guys get hung up on the stupid, macho, “more weight” kick. It’s a recipe for injury.

Fulcrum hanging, working the angles, increasing time, adding heat all can increase the intensity of hanging. I’m using less that half the weight I used before my (long) break from hanging, and I seem to be making good gains.


To be honest with you, although I am proud of my PE scars and like to affirm my commitment at every available opportunity, the weights I hang and the time I hang for isn’t about being macho. Part of it is about drive and the desire to get gains and part of it is just tiredness (or more accurately, due to my depression) which stops me from trying out new angles and stuff— it’s one of those things I’ve always been meaning to get around to but that it’s just easier not to (believe it or not I’ve never done manual PE because I just can’t motivate myself to do it).

Maybe I need some advice on my approach. Maybe I should hang SO, OTS, OTL etc. or do some fulcrum hanging (I was using the “new hanging technique born in ‘06” up until a few days ago (and was using it before my deconditioning break) and it is very effective, but it trauma’s the section of my unit under the clamp too much, so that I can’t hang for as long as I want to.

I PM’d one forum member who told me about his routine and about how he made all of his gains hanging SD, so I figured I’d only start moving things around if my gains slowed, partly because I want to know exactly what does work and what doesn’t, which is also why I try not to mix and match different techniques (it seems to me that some guys on the forum who are doing 8 or 10 different exercises per day may only be seeing any benefit from one or two of them and that’s a lot of wasted time and effort).

Maybe my approach is a little narrow-minded but it seems to be getting me results.

I’m going to figure out a way of hanging SO in the next day or so (tomorrow hopefully) since it seems like I should at least try one new angle and the amount of time I’m spending hanging with the amount of weight I’m hanging is a little hard on the butt. Sometimes I have to stop and walk around because my hips are fatigued.

I’d would be interested in advice however (right now I’m just trying to fit as many sets into the day as I possibly can at the heaviest weight I can stand).

Originally Posted by SurfDog
I use Pete Sisco’s weight workout, which is basically holding as much weight as possible for 5-15 seconds one or two inches short of lock-out. I’ve been doing it for about two years, and while I adapted it a bit it works, at least in terms of the amount of weight I can handle. So I’ve thought that heavy weights for a short duration might work for the smooth muscle in the penis also.

It sounds like a technique that might give good results but there’s also the chance of getting ‘conditioned’ a lot quicker. There’s evidence to show that stressing your unit too much can cause the collagen to weave itself together in such a way as to strengthen the structures, which would almost definitely hinder length-gains.

I think it’s probably a valid technique but you might see your initial fast gains slowing quite quickly and you may have to make sure to take regular deconditioning-breaks to let the tissues return back to normal.

I’ve been thinking about hanging breaks, and don’t do it every day. I’m playing this by ear, so to speak. Thanks for the advice.


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