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Routine Assistance & General Hanging Questions


Routine Assistance & General Hanging Questions

First, let me say that I’ve just finished my 6th week of hanging (with a Bib). Just logged my 50th hour.
My first month was 3 lbs. for (2) 30-minute sets BTC everyday.
Now in my second month, it’s 5 lbs. for (3) 30-minute sets BTC everyday.

I’ve read about other guys who’ve apparently gained SOMETHING in this amount of time.

I, however, have not. Not yet, anyway.

I’ve done some calculations based on some things I’ve read, and it seems that if I keep going at my current rate, I should get 0.39” around month 5 or 6, and hopefully a little over a full inch in month 12.

Considering the early success of alot of members on this board, I’d REALLY like to expedite my gains, if possible, and I need some help for that.

Granted, I don’t have a problem with continuing my routine - it’s working well so far…no gains yet, but I’ve been able to stick with it - however, I don’t want to get to month 8 or 18 and still be the same size I am now.
I don’t want to waste my time. I get discouraged realizing that that is a very real possibility, yet I want to finally give PE a REAL try.
Devote alot of time to it to see if it can work for me - I believe it can, but I’d like to see some erect results when I look down.

My initial plan was to basically follow Hanging 101 and start month 1 @ 3 lbs for an hour a day, and move up from there until I’m eventually hanging 12+ lbs. for 3-4 hours a day. I have the time now to commit to that, but like I said, I don’t want to find out that all of my work has been futile.

So, back to the subject.

I guess I have 2 questions for right now:

1. Are there any improvements I should make on my routine that can speed up my results? In other words, what can I do to get a greater length gain by month 6 instead of just 0.39”, if I could even get that?

I forgot to mention that my primary goal here is erect length - I’m not interested in adding to my girth at the moment. Just want length.
After 6 weeks of hanging, my flaccid length has definitely “improved”, and while hanging (and even while resting/sleeping) I’ve felt that *zing* that Bib has mentioned…the *zing* that feels like hairs being plucked out of your shaft. I’ve had that feeling a few times, so I hope I’m on the right path to getting some gains.

And the second question:

2. Is it correct that someone, when starting out, SHOULD follow Hanging 101 for a number of months UNTIL they find their max weight, and only THEN go above that by a few pounds until fatigue is reached - then drop down to their max weight and begin their sets while hanging in that fatigued state until the end of their session?


Oh, also…
If someone has a low LOT, (mine for example is somewhere between 6:00 & 7:00), but is reaching fatigue while hanging BTC, should they change their hanging angle?

What’s more important for gains? Fatigue or the angle?

The majority of Bib’s posts I’ve read indicates that fatigue is more important for gains.

What about weight vs. time?

I’m getting fatigued at BTC, and I’m feeling those *zings* that Bib has talked about - so I’m not sure if I should stick with my routine until xxx amount of hours and see if I’m just a slow gainer (or a non-gainer), or switch my routine around and negate the 50 hours of BTC hanging I’ve (literally) got under my belt.

My guess is that you are not allowing your penis to grow by hanging to much. Check out my progress log; - The log of babbis

I gained after 18 days and I only did 1 day on and 2 days off.

That doesn’t make sense, because it goes against the “popular” idea for gaining length is to hang for as many sets as possible. Anyway, I’d hardly consider my routine “too much”.
Besides, gaining anything in 18 days is sort of rare, so consider yourself lucky.
Alot of us don’t have that success in such a short frame of time.

How ‘bout some vets chime in with your thoughts about my original post, and some viable answers to my questions.

From what I’ve seen, most guys don’t gain until they hit the 10-15# range. All of your effort up to that point is just conditioning, so you might as well hang for less time now, and simply treat this as a skin and soft tissue conditioning period—sort of like a newbie routine for hangers.

There have recently been a number of threads in which people assert, for various reasons, that gains come more easily by hanging for less time, not more. I’m thinking especially of Xenolith’s “Finding Xeno” thread, which I recommend.

I followed Bib’s techniques (hang as long as possible) and never gained from hanging. I put 6 months into it and hanged up to 25#. Then I started listening to my body and trying to target specific areas (dorsal thickening, in particular). I saw some modest gains (1/4 to 1/2”), at least some of which I attribute to hanging. I recommend you read my progress thread.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Well, I gained 0,8cm BPEL after my first hanging cycle, that took 18 days. Then after 18 days of my 2nd hanging cycle I gained 0,5cm BPEL. Do you think I was lucky twice?

Unless I’m misunderstaning the first post of your log, babbis, you said you started PE 10 months ago, and only somewhat recently started doing these hanging cycles, right? If so, don’t you think it’s possible that you’re just starting to see some gains based on the work you’ve been putting in for those previous 10 months? If not, then please clarify.

Considering I’ve been on these boards since ‘97-‘98, seeing someone gain every 18 days is extremely rare, like I’ve said. So, if you’re consistently gaining anything in such short periods of time, then yeah, that’s lucky.
I think the responses from the people reading your log will prove that. So good for you.
However, if it’s that easy to gain, everyone on here would be a blue whale in a matter of months.
How many people are following your routine and how many have gained?
It’ll be interesting to see what others who follow your routine have gained in 18 days.

Where are all the vets from my day? Have they all left?

I’ll have to re-read Xeno’s thread, and find something viable in there if his strange routine works, but in the meantime, could someone tell me why in this picture ( 8.5BPEL.jpg ), he clearly starts his measurement @ the 2” mark, and claims he’s 8.5” bone-pressed, when it looks more like belly-pressed?


After hanging for 2 years or so - my observations:

Using 5 lbs wgt is nothing once your past a couple weeks of hanging. I dont subscribe to the ‘less is more’ theory as it applies to wgt. I start my sessions with 12 lbs, and increase it to 22 lbs. Last nights session made me think it’s time to up it again, prob another 2.5 to 5 lbs. Some guys say hanging should be ‘comfortable’, I disagree. It shouldnt be painful, but I think it should definately feel like you’re hanging wgt from your dick.

After reading Bib’s post-by-proxy here, I started doing fulcrum hanging. I didnt do it exactly as he discusses, but simply use a piece of PVC pipe, and while sitting and hanging (what would be) SD, I lay the pipe across my thighs, and hang over that. What a stretch I get from this, very intense. Might want to give that a try.

Mem posted a long time ago about a coke can stretch, which was an interesting technique, but basically the same, a fulcrum to stretch (or hang) over. I think this theory of using a fulcrum is tits (i.e ‘very good’).

I had to back off the wgt a bit at first, but am now hanging my usual wgt. And the wrap, the hanger seating, and the pipe placement have to be right on, otherwise it can pinch like a mother.

Other than that, I think simply up’ing the wgt pack you use is in order. If you try fulcrum hanging, let me know how you do it and what you think.

Ya, I miss the old days of Bib, Lil12Big1, etc…

And ya, maybe I’ll sink a ruler 3 inches into my gut, take a pic and say “WOW, look at me, I’m 10 inches!!!”
That’s not really ‘bone-pressed’, it’s more like ‘spine-pressed’ :)

Edit: I know you’ve been around since the late 90s, but just saw we joined T’s the same time. Seems like ages ago eh?

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally Posted by Thorne

could someone tell me why in this picture ( 8.5BPEL.jpg ), he clearly starts his measurement @ the 2” mark, and claims he’s 8.5” bone-pressed, when it looks more like belly-pressed?

I thought this pic was very strange, too, but then I realized that he was wearing two clamps. I thought there was another pic somewhere in the same thread that showed him with one clamp. When I compared the two, I remember concluding that the two-clamp pic was legit. I’ll look again.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by DarkTrick

After hanging for 2 years or so - my observations:

Using 5 lbs wgt is nothing once your past a couple weeks of hanging. I dont subscribe to the ‘less is more’ theory as it applies to wgt. I start my sessions with 12 lbs, and increase it to 22 lbs. Last nights session made me think it’s time to up it again, prob another 2.5 to 5 lbs. Some guys say hanging should be ‘comfortable’, I disagree. It shouldnt be painful, but I think it should definately feel like you’re hanging wgt from your dick.

After reading Bib’s post-by-proxy here, I started doing fulcrum hanging. I didnt do it exactly as he discusses, but simply use a piece of PVC pipe, and while sitting and hanging (what would be) SD, I lay the pipe across my thighs, and hang over that. What a stretch I get from this, very intense. Might want to give that a try.

Mem posted a long time ago about a coke can stretch, which was an interesting technique, but basically the same, a fulcrum to stretch (or hang) over. I think this theory of using a fulcrum is tits (i.e ‘very good’).

I had to back off the wgt a bit at first, but am now hanging my usual wgt. And the wrap, the hanger seating, and the pipe placement have to be right on, otherwise it can pinch like a mother.

Other than that, I think simply up’ing the wgt pack you use is in order. If you try fulcrum hanging, let me know how you do it and what you think.

Ya, I miss the old days of Bib, Lil12Big1, etc…

And ya, maybe I’ll sink a ruler 3 inches into my gut, take a pic and say “WOW, look at me, I’m 10 inches!!!”
That’s not really ‘bone-pressed’, it’s more like ‘spine-pressed’ :)

Edit: I know you’ve been around since the late 90s, but just saw we joined T’s the same time. Seems like ages ago eh?

This is the kind of reply I’m looking for! Thanks, DarkTrick!

I realize that I’m essentially in a ‘noob’ phase of my hanging, but I guess reading that alot of guys have gained something around 6 weeks had me feeling discouraged.
However, I still plan on putting the time in on this, and hang 8 hours a day for 19 months like Bib did if I have to.
I understand what you mean about hanging not being comfortable, but…being comfortable.

I’m not ready to try that new 2006 hanging technique yet, since I’m still in conditioning phase.
After my 50th+ hour, and 6th week of no gains (not even a mm), I’ve decided to test out the LOT theory and hang 8 lbs. OTS using a lat bar on a weight machine instead of actually laying the weight over my shoulder.
That’s the same thing right? As long as the dick is hanging straight up, that’s OTS, right?

So my “new” routine is:
1. Finish up my 2nd month (weeks 7 & 8) with 6 lbs. (increased the weight by 1 lb) BTC for 90m/day.
2. Begin 7th week (halfway thru 2nd month - which is where I am now), hanging 8 lbs. OTS for 60m/day.

I’ll just start there, and probably move on to fulcrum hanging if I don’t see any gains from hanging at this new angle.
I’m just trying to get that “noob inch” that everyone seems to get so effortlessly.

I’ll just keep moving up in weight gradually, and adding sets.
Like I said, I want to eventually get to 12+ lbs for 3 hours a day.

I miss the old days too. It does seem like ages ago. I wish I had been hanging this whole time.
So, Dark, in 2 years of hanging, how much have you gained from it, and what was/is your routine like?

I think we’ve found a new way to measure! Gut-Pressed.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I thought this pic was very strange, too, but then I realized that he was wearing two clamps. I thought there was another pic somewhere in the same thread that showed him with one clamp. When I compared the two, I remember concluding that the two-clamp pic was legit. I’ll look again.

Most of his “Tiger” pics are a little dubious to me. I’ve worn clamps too, but if I was going to take a measurement pic, I wouldn’t press the ruler into my gut. I’d place it to the side of my shaft (and clamp) and move it into the place where BP measurements *should* be taken, and most importantly, I’d start my measurement at 0.0”, not 2”, which is close to where he begins measuring in the pic where he’s wearing only one clamp as well…with that weird-ass ruler.
I’m surprised no one mentioned this Obviously Wrong way of measuring in his thread.
All I can say is, I’m not over 8” yet, but I know I’m longer than this: Tiger salutes you.jpg.

Last edited by Thorne : 06-14-2006 at .

Ya, OTS is OTS, your dick doesnt know what’s on the end of the hanger ;) Well at least mine doesnt. I dont think he does anyway…

I did OTS for a bit, not sure why I stopped, but it was a good hang.

My routine is 2 to 3 (20 min) sets of hanging (now fulcrum as described) with wgt up to 22 lbs. I usually start off the set at 12 lbs (3 diving wgts of 4lbs each taped together) and then add wgt as we go along.

After that I alternate sets of pumping and jelqing (with some stretching), prob 8-10 mins a piece, for about 45 mins.

Occassionally I’ll try to squeak in a final hanging set, but by then my dick is a bit reluctant to behave properly in the bib, pinching and such becomes more an issue after pumping/jelqing.

I dont think fulcrum hanging would be too intense for you, it’s all relative to the wgt on the end, keep it light and add as necessary. I do like the more localized stretching sensation I get from fulcrum, is really different than simple SD or SO.

I do think hanging needs to be combined with at least one good set of long hard jelqs.

Not sure how much I’ve gained from hanging alone. I started doing it simply because manual methods alone were wearing me the fuck out. And some nights, try as I might, I just didnt seem to be working it out hard enough using my hands. So made a hanger, and then got my hands on a bib, and that was that.

I’m not a measuring maniac. Last time I did I was > 7 inches, like 7.25 or so, maybe more. Starting from < 6 inches, I’m happy with whatever I get, and consider my PE time well spent (at the cost of many hours sleep over the years). I can never get that glass-cutter type boner by myself to measure with anyway. The real litmus test is when she sees/feels it.

I take the “long haul” approach (imparted by Dino). I know I’m gaining, it’s not fast but it’s working, I can see the difference. Guys that gain fast - God bless ‘em, but I’m not one of them. I just plod along, I know I’ll get there one day.

For me, PE is like Zen :
The Zen monk asked the master, “How long do I have to practice?”
The master replied, “Until you die.”

So on we go…

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Yeah, OTS is definitely a good hang. I’m liking it more and more everytime I do it. Although, I find myself nearing fatigue when I have about 2-3 minutes left in my set. Since I’ve just started (and unfortunately had a minor glans injury a couple days ago), I can’t go up in weight yet to reach fatigue faster.

I’ll have to re-read the 2006 Hanging thread again. When fulcrum hanging, you place the PVC pipe as far back on the underside of your shaft as possible, right? Near the balls? I haven’t acutally tried this yet, but I’m trying to imagine it logistically and how I could do it.

After my 2nd month, I’ll probably start doing jelqs again. I, like you, started hanging because manual stretches wore me out as well. Granted, I was known for doing 10,000 intense jelqs under the leg and several thousand BTC stretches a day before those ideas were as popular as they are now. I actually get exhausted when I see the word ‘jelq’.
But, I’ll just stick with the Newb Routine this time around and move on from there.

Like you, I’m in it for the long haul (I just hope I don’t get too discouraged again, and take another 3-5 years off).

What are your thoughts on the questions that I asked in my first post, Dark?

Originally Posted by Thorne

I’ve decided to test out the LOT theory and hang 8 lbs. OTS using a lat bar on a weight machine instead of actually laying the weight over my shoulder.

That’s the same thing right? As long as the dick is hanging straight up, that’s OTS, right?

Knock yourself out, but I personally think LOT Theory is a wrongheaded idea. Your technique of using a lat bar sounds reasonable. It’s actually an improvement over standard OTS hanging, IMO.

However, I think you will be more successful in concentrating stress on the dorsal side of you shaft. OTS IMO does not focus the stress well enough to be useful to all but the really easy gainers. My favorite position is SO while sitting at the computer with a pulley under the desk. It’s incredibly comfortable and easy to maintain over a long period of time. Adding a fulcrum under the shaft causes the stress to hammer the dorsal thickening of the tunica, which IMO is where it is needed most.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I don’t necessarily subscribe to the LOT theory either…I just said it as another way of saying, “I’m changing my angle”.
I will put 6 weeks into OTS, and gradually back off BTC for awhile and try this dorsal thickening SO hanging (w/fulcrum) that you and Dark are talking about.

I’ve never hung OTS before this though, so maybe I might be an easy gainer at this angle?
I don’t know, but I will be putting more time into it to find out.

Is it possible to use a fulcrum while hanging OTS?

I dont subscribe to the LOT stuff at all.

Fulcrum’d OTS, I’d have to think about that. If you put the pipe under your legs, nah that’d make a 90 deg bend in your dick and I’m sure he’d complain. You got me thinking though…

For fulcrum hanging, ya, have the PVC pipe behind the hanger. I set the hanger as far forward (towards the head) as I can without hitting that nerve bundle on the top. I really stretch him out and wrap tight before I set him in the hanger, which gives me a couple inches to hang over the pipe.

>>1. Are there any improvements I should make on my routine that can speed up my results?

I was unaware of your injury. Until that’s out of the way, I’d err on the side of safety.

Once past that, I see hanging as just a function with 2 variables : wgt and time. Angle figures in there somewhere (i.e. fulcrum) to a lesser degree.

So if you think about it: one guy hangs 2 lbs for 20 mins, another guy hangs 20lb for 20 mins. Discounting factors like tissue resistence and latent/hidden unrealized length, who’s going to gain? I’d have to guess the heavy loader.

I remember reading posts by Bib to the effect that he hung with no discomfort and such. That doesnt work for me, and I dont have 8 hrs to hang in that fashion (the time variable), so I compensate by adjusting the wgt variable.

>>2. Is it correct that someone, when starting out, SHOULD follow Hanging 101 for a number of months UNTIL they find their max weight, and only THEN go above that by a few pounds until fatigue is reached - then drop down to their max weight and begin their sets while hanging in that fatigued state until the end of their session?

That seems too complicated for me. I start off light (I dont really warm up, never have, I’ll massage him for like 20 secs and then we’re off…) and add wgt until I’m just this side of “really uncomfortable”. Bear in mind, not to your extent, but I did manual stuff for at least a year, so I was very well conditioned when I first hung. I remember putting on a 5 lb plate for my first hang and bracing myself for the anticipated pain. There was none, and I immediately up’d to to 10 or more, I forget exactly.

And some days are different. Some days 22 lbs is way heavy and I couldnt think of doing more. Last night I could have easily added another 5 lbs, but I was lazy, James Bond was on the TV and I had a nice martini that was talking to me :)

Fatigue, to me, is the key factor. I think the tissues need to be stressed over and over and over. I never hang with pain, but I always hang in a state of ‘moderate uncomfortableness’.

Long haul, ya, that’s key. And that’s why I dont measure all the time, it could discourage me if I dont see gains. But measuring gains is so relative. I just trust the process, and the advice of those-that-have-gone-before-me.

Fuck, I havent posted that much in a long time. Usually I post in a thread and kill it immediately :)

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

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