Why BTC?
I find it hard to understand how a person can gain significant length by stretching the ligaments. The ligaments, after all, are just the tissues that tether the penis to the pubic bone. I can understand how making them longer could cause the penis to hang lower, but I do not understand how it could make the penis come up higher. If the tip of your penis extends to your navel before stretching your ligs, it will extend no further after stretching your ligs.
Yet there are many people on this site who claim to gain substantial BPEL from lig stretching, particularly from hanging BTC. Why?
One explanation is that BTC hanging causes the penis to exit the body from a lower point on the abdomen, closer to the penis’ origin. A lowered exit point corresponds to a conversion of “inner penis” to “outer penis.” I understand that, but I doubt there are much to be gained from this conversion. Looking at the LOT Simulator and at any of the anatomy drawing I’ve seen, I would guess that a guy starting with normal anatomy could gain at most 1” BPEL from lig stretching. There simply is not that much inner penis to be converted.
What about guys who claim to gain 2 or more inches of BPEL through BTC (or SD) stretching?
One idea occurred to me recently. Last year, I downloaded an article from the PubMed (for a fee; can’t post it here) that provided a very detailed study of the suspensory ligaments of the penis. One thing that stuck in my mind was that certain strands of the susp. ligament actually align with and fuse with the longitudinal, dorsal strands of the tunica. As I let this idea sink in, it occurred to me that perhaps the entire dorsal surface of the tunica could be viewed as an extension of the suspensory ligament. In other words, it is possible to regard the susp. lig. as starting from the pubic bone and extending all the way to the tip of the tunica, just within the glans. Lig stretching may therefore be a very effective means for stretching the dorsal surface of the tunica, the tunica’s strongest and most resistant part.
It’s just an idea. This may remain a mystery until someone donates his body to PE research.
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