Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

WOW! But I don't get it...

WOW! But I don't get it...

Ok, I used the bib starter for about 2 weeks, and I did 3 sets of 20 min at 2,3 and 5 lbs. I hung SD an I felt a skin stretch at all times at the base of my penis, and it was at times very uunconfortable. Then, for several reasons I could not hang for about 1 week and a half. I started again last night, thinking that it was going to hurt a little bit because of the break, and that the skin was going to feel the burn again, maybe even a little bit stronger, always because of the break. Well, guess what? The skin stretch feeling disappeared completely!!! Now I can hang for the 3 sets at 5lbs with no problems at all, and I am actually ready to add a little bit more in the next few days. How is it possible? Is it possible that after only 2 weeks the skin has stretched already and now the ligs are going to be “free” to be stretched without the skin being an obstacle?

Anyways, the feeling is great. Now I can actually feel the lig stretch and it feels great.

that’s all


Skin stretches relatively quickly. I’m sure you made progress in those 2 weeks. When you hang frequently the effects are cumulative. Your skin was probably sore not only from the hanging you did on a given day, but from all the days before.

I had an unplanned break of 4 days. Drat! Now it will take several days, maybe even a week, to get back into the good semi-fatigued state I had going. If your skin needs further loosening, I’ll bet you feel some burn again within a few sessions.

If it’s too severe, you may need to hang over the edge of a chair, in between straight out and straight down. You can gradually slide your butt forward as the skin becomes looser until you work into hanging SD comfortably. Then prop your feet on something and continue sliding down gradually until you can hang BTC. :)

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