Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A link I'm missing

A link I'm missing

The penis can’t extend further if the tunica doesn’t stretch. Bigger CC cells or not, the tunica is I believe the limiting factor to growth.

Now is it possible that PE gains are only due to tunica enlargement?
When we look at a medical condition called megalophallus, it seems that it’s all about Tunica. For people who are not familiar with this condition, it’s a consequence of a one time extended priapism resulting in a permanent penis growth with fully fonctionality.

Pumpers get tunica extension and not only fluid buildups if the CC burst accident reported by one member here is true.

My question is why intense pumpings don’t result if fast permanent gains like in megalphallus?

Also, is it really true that pumping expends the CCs?

I think the difference is the source of pressure. Pumping uses external vacuum, which is more likely to draw lymph fluids into the tissues (donut effect) while megalophallus is the result of internal pressure. This is one reason why it’s recommended to go into the tube erect. So that the internal pressure can be encouraged to increase with assistance from the external vacuum. Wearing a condom or light wrap can help prevent the lymph fluid buildup while still allowing the vacuum to assist the internal pressure. Stimulation (i.e. porn) to keep your maximum erection while in the tube could also help build the internal pressure that helps the tunica expand and the tissues to grow.

PE isn’t only about tunica enlargement. Lig stretch will definitely make the penis longer.

Good feedback, westla.

I’ve been tinkering with penismith’s condom pumping notions and am impressed so far but I confess I don’t understand the physics of what’s happening.

If we want tunica expansion (lig lengthening, too) and a sort of tight-fitting condom is doing the job of pressing girth in during pumping, I can see how lymphatic fluid build-up could be held at bay but I don’t understand why later I’d hang heavier than I normally do. Pumping at the levels I do, I’m not susceptible to fluid build-up. What I am seeing is blood engorgement.

What’s going on here, do you think?



penismith - Yes, I’ve followed your thread. It was sort of a validation of the topics discussed in previous threads (listed in my post in this thread). I’m glad you overcame your support of the “pores” theory. The tunica is not porous. It couldn’t be with 100+ mm Hg pressure inside it. I’m certain the donut effect comes from lymph and perhaps venous leakage under vacuum. And while this leakage is at a cellular level, I believe the “counter pressure” of the condom helps keep it at bay.

I, too, am not a guru or even that much of an experienced pumper. Like several others, I’ve owned a cock pump since the early 80s, but didn’t really know what I was doing until I came here. I do know a bit about human physiology and that’s where I can make some contributions.

I don’t have any theories about the heavier hang. I think over the next few days I’ll do some experimenting myself with condoms and the pump and will report in your main thread what I learn.

“penismith - Yes, I’ve followed your thread. It was sort of a validation of the topics discussed in previous threads (listed in my post in this thread).”

Hey, my thread is in that list. You used my thread to validate my thread.

“I’m glad you overcame your support of the “pores” theory. The tunica is not porous. It couldn’t be with 100+ mm Hg pressure inside it.”

Well, I have not given that up completely, although I agree that vascular leakage is by far the best explanation at this point. I didn’t mean to say that it might always have small pores, but it is not unreasonable to suggest that as the tunica is expanded past its usual diameter that small holes might develop, allowing fluid to traverse from within the tunica to the area between the tunica and the skin. What I have mostly abandoned is the idea that it evolved to be that way.

As you know, the penis is really complicated; there is variable elasticity. You can have a 100%(rock hard) erection where it is virtually impossible to increase the diameter with a uli. You can also start a uli at a 60-80% erection and increase the diameter to that beyond what can be achieved with a 100%. I think that some of this difference can be atributed to the ease of clamping off at the base but not all of it. The tunica is somehow different in these two instances. It seems to be more elastic in the latter and perhaps it is a little leaky in the latter. If you do extreme enough uli work you will get fluid build up like in pumping and there is no external pressure.

“And while this leakage is at a cellular level”

I am confused by this, are you saying that the cells are dehydrating or that the fluid vessels (blood and lymph) are dehydrating.


Originally posted by penismith
Hey, my thread is in that list. You used my thread to validate my thread.

You know what I meant. :) That you were on the right track and that helped validate what those before you had observed.

I didn't mean to say that it might always have small pores, but it is not unreasonable to suggest that as the tunica is expanded past its usual diameter that small holes might develop, allowing fluid to traverse from within the tunica to the area between the tunica and the skin. What I have mostly abandoned is the idea that it evolved to be that way.

Yes, I see now. It is not unreasonable to think that.

“And while this leakage is at a cellular level”

I am confused by this, are you saying that the cells are dehydrating or that the fluid vessels (blood and lymph) are dehydrating.

No, I meant that the fluid leaves the vessels via microscopic holes, holes at the cellular level, and because the holes are so tiny I wasn’t sure how the condom was helping to prevent the leaking except by some form of “back pressure.”

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