Thunder's Place

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A New Balls And Cock Pumping Thread


A New Balls And Cock Pumping Thread

I have only just started, have a little bit of wondering why I had trepidation… at 3hg I plenty aware of my penis in the a stj
… after 30min bullocks and cock were amazing

Had a nice set of eggs and a plump cock looking like it was just finishing a roid cycle


It is a fun process. I use a normal cylinder to pump my balls. The hang after is a great feeling.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

So is it the actual testicle or the epididymus that enlarges more?

Both in my case.

Very interested to get people’s thoughts on ball pumping or whole package pumping. Any long term affect on the size of your pills?

I have done a lot of whole package and ball pumping in the past. I never felt it did much to increase my ball size, but it seems to have increased the size of my scrotum which makes my balls hang lower.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I have lower hanging balls too! I like that look much better.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


There are several benefits to pumping dick or balls or both.

First, your penis will get bigger, especially in girth. Your dick will hang better and longer and your scrotum will expand, thus allowing balls to hang lower. If you take Damiana and Tongkat ali, your balls will get bigger and, even if you discontinue, some size and better hang will remain.

For cut men, pumping will give some new or newly stretched skin under the glans.You can build on this boinus if you want to do foreskin restoration.

A nice set of pumped genitals will present strong visual appeal, even when you have pants or shorts on.

There is some evidence that pumping the full packagewill enhance erection quality if you are a bit less tha 100% there.

There is also the possibility that pumping will encourage your balls to make more T (add to this taking enough Zinc - but not too much - for an added boost).

And you will feel and indeed be more manly. Your mind will be frequently focussing on your dick and balls. This is no bad thing.

Pumping and ball stretching are addictive, so be ready to want more and more. Since there are only benefits, this addiction will motivate you to keep going.

Theses benefits can also be enhanced if you get some good quality ball weights and stretch, stretch., stretch, for as many hours as you can. The stretching will surely strengthen the ligaments and other tissues and increase your ball hang. Withh all the other benefits mentioned above.

All this is to be done in moderation and taking care not to invite injury or similar bad effects. We are talking years, not months, gents.

Ok, thanks for the feedback guys. I have a couple of ball weights from Gear essentials that do a nice job of stretching the sac out. So was mainly interested in growing larger pills.

Once I’ve reached my minimum goal I may put more focus on ball pumping, don’t want to have the pumping interfere with my other PE just yet.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have done a lot of whole package and ball pumping in the past. I never felt it did much to increase my ball size, but it seems to have increased the size of my scrotum which makes my balls hang lower.

Only tried it once and it did stretch my scrotum a bit. However I pump my penis regularly and have got a noticeable MSEG increase. I do dynamic water pumping and am able to do 2 -3 1 hour sessions a day 5 - 6 days a week and get a noticeably larger flaccid. I keep the dreaded fluid build up at bay by using a pumping sleeve.

Now the scrotum. I have got a significantly lower hanging by stretching mainly using split weights and scrotum rings. I enjoy the hang (and the swing) but am not sure I want to hang that much lower.

I am coming the view that to get significant gains from pumping you must put the hours in and hours spent ball pumping take from that used for penis pumping unless you do total package pumping. In that case the heat treatment that enhances cock pumping probably is not desirable for ball pumping.

I find dynamic penis pumping is doing wonders for my EQ but not sure ball pumping would have an impact. However scrotum rings seem to do something for EQ. Not sure if it is the weight pulling down on the dorsal vein or the fact that the rings help pull the skin away from my glans when erect enhancing the erect feeling. Lower hanging balls with scrotum rings certainly help with pumping though pulling them down out of the way and getting a better more comfortable base seal.

Just my current view on it

How does ball pumping feels? I ask because it hurts a lot when I get my balls sucked while penis pumping, and I wonder if the feeling is similar.

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

Originally Posted by Dvdck
How does ball pumping feels? I ask because it hurts a lot when I get my balls sucked while penis pumping, and I wonder if the feeling is similar.

It’s a gentle suction and feels great provided you’re using a big enough cylinder.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
It’s a gentle suction and feels great provided you’re using a big enough cylinder.

Can you give me a suggestion as you are an experienced pumper and I’m investing my time in pumping?

I just bought a cylinder as wide as my girth because I’m looking for length, and my current regimen is like this:

5min warm up
10 min stretches 5 ways
3x5min bathmate (gonna change with the new pump)
10min wet jelq
50 kegels while on the pump
5min hot wrap

Also during the stretches and jelq I try to use IR lamp to maintain heat.

Would appreciate any advices!

Yeah, a thickwall straight cylinder should work for length.

I might change up your sequence; keep the bathmate for warm up and transition to air pumping and manual work

Warm up
Warm water Bathmate 10 min.
Do the manual stretches
Then jelq
Air pump at 3hq slowly increasing to no more than 4- 5hg and jelqing inbetween sets

Depending on your current conditioning, air pumping is like riding a bike without training wheels at first, everything with this clandestine body modification is at first

Edit jojoba oil is great for addressing skin dryness and making a seal when air pumping

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