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Advice For Brake Bleeder Kit and Cylinders.

Advice For Brake Bleeder Kit and Cylinders.

Valuing others’s Experiences and Feedback here:

So. I have read some here on the forum..and it seems that a great way to save money on a Pumping Setup is to just buy a brake bleeder and pump kit and to purchase customizable cylinders that you select, all individually.

I have seen this kit mentioned a dozen times Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit ..$24.99 (normally can get it down to $20 wih coupon, sometimes lower)

What’s had success for kits? I looked on Amazon: https://www.ama … c_saved_image_2 has 15 feedbacks, was my first choice. $20.99 plus %5 off coupon.
Second, and best choice? https://www.ama … _sc_act_image_1 2,032 reviews and almost maintains same overall scores. $19.99 plus %5 off coupon.

Any on this forum can share their experiences/strong personal feedback of products; please do. I am in-this-to-win-this, so to speak.

Second Part - Cylinders:

I have to admit that while I have read the info part of the stickied Selecting Your Cylinder Sizethread… I only have in my brief time seen mentioned on here LeLuv and LA Pumps. PumpToys store also.
I have only read that some flange styles can cause discomfort—other than that I am clueless on the cost-quality-effectivenes of products. I am reading, though.

-Already ordered heatpad, thanks to 32Quarters, and got it for like $8.31 ! Marked Amazon gave me $5 [off] gratuity.
-Am actively looking into sleeves — seals, though, keeping my eyes open..but apparently various brands-types tend to not last.

I’m using a $19 brake bleeder off Amazon right now as I sit on my couch and do full package pumping and watch the and write this message here to you.

Works fine.

They are all the same, they all come from china, get the cheapest you can. You can get a vac pump/brake bleeder pistol pump by itself or in a brake bleeder kit. The kit has a fluid trap/reservoir (and hoses and other fittings for bleeding brakes but are not needed for PE). The fluid trap is needed if you want to pump with warm water in the tube. If not, it is not needed.

I have one which worked well until I tried it with water and got water past the fluid trap and into the pump and ruined it. I used it for many months. When I say I ruined it, it would not hold vac pressure and I had to keep pumping it. I still use it in my tool box for bleeding the brakes. Who’d have thought to use a brake bleeder pump for bleeding brakes??

I replaced it with a $40 mitivac (plastic) for PE purposes. The plastic handle broke after a couple months and I replaced it with a $5 metal handle from the $60 mitivac metal pump.

The hose in the brake bleeder kit is a clear vinyl hose which will work but is stiff. I ultimately replaced the stiff vinyl hose with blue silicon hose which is very flexible. I think I got it at Ace hardware. It is also available on Amazon. I got it a little longer (18”) for easier use.

I also use leluv cylinders. I prefer the ones with the quick disconnect fittings. The less expensive cylinder has a barb hose fittting molded into the top lf the cylinder. The brake bleeder kit will work out of the box with the cylinder with molded in barb fitting. If the cylinder has a quick disconnect fitting, which is always a female fitting, you will need to get a male quick disconnect fitting also. Leluv sells them (and others) on Amazon and elsewhere. McMasters Carr also has them.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 04-23-2022 at .

Originally Posted by 32quarters
They are all the same, they all come from china, get the cheapest you can. You can get a vac pump/brake bleeder pistol pump by itself or in a brake bleeder kit.

I have one which worked well until I tried it with water and got water past the fluid trap and into the pump and ruined it. I used it for many months. When I say I ruined it, it would not hold vac pressure and I had to keep pumping it. I

I assumed as much about the origin of many of these…the quality may vary a little. “Craps shoot”.
The efficacy of product and warranties/customer service are the true values.

Noting some of the other things that you just said here. Noting others’s feedback lately. I appreciate you all. Informed purchases are the best purchases, I heard somewhere one time.

Thanks again.

Probably will wait another week to order kit and cylinders.

Last edited by SolomonKane1349 : 04-23-2022 at . Reason: Typing errors.

I have been using the harbor freight one for a year and a half. Still doing its job.


I use the same pump to vac my wiener and work on my truck…

I have leluv and they have been excellent pumps. Highly recommend. Base off chart and the thickest part of penis. In my experience, If you have a larger head than shaft (mushroom head), use that as your Dia. If your going for girth or girth and length. Take it slow and follow the newbie program for pumping staying at 5 or 6hg.


Originally Posted by Phil210
I use the same pump to vac my wiener and work on my truck…

This comment made me laugh. Twice. LOL.

Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. The choices may be obvious to some of the experienced members and pumpers on the forum here. Though..I am starting as a newbie..and..I just want a good setup that will go-off-without-a-hitch so to speak. (E.g.; no cracked tube, the right accessories etc.)Learning/troubleshooting is expected at some points.

I have been reading the forum, taking notes in threads, a PM here and there.
A customer rep. at LeLuv reccommend a few things for me.

**Already got/received $8, 12-15, Sunbeam heatpad.
**Ordering an acrylic tube; 9x2.25 diameter to start. LeLuv, $40.
** 18$ Brake Bleeder and Pump Kit off of Amazon
**Premium cylinder seals.
**Magic Sleeve
**May order OxBalls, Adam&Eve or LeLuv cock ring (LeLuv no longer offers discounts on new member orders, due to the 2022 price increase on many other items all over the market, the rep said that I should order soon before they are forced to increase prices.)

Last edited by SolomonKane1349 : 04-27-2022 at . Reason: Typing errors and clarification.

Originally Posted by 32quarters

I replaced it with a $40 mitivac (plastic) for PE purposes. The plastic handle broke after a couple months and I replaced it with a $5 metal handle from the $60 mitivac metal pump.

A little off topic…did you find the metal handle for sale somewhere, or did you have one that fit? I’m asking, because I like the MityVac plastic pump - it’s easy to disassemble, clean, and lube - but am on my 3rd handle. I just go buy a new one and put the handle on my old worn-in one. Upside - I have two spares (without handles!).

Originally Posted by 32quarters
The plastic handle broke after a couple months…

Originally Posted by Ambi
A little off topic…did you find the metal handle for sale somewhere, or did you have one that fit? I’m asking, because I like the MityVac plastic pump - it’s easy to disassemble, clean, and lube - but am on my 3rd handle. I just go buy a new one and put the handle on my old worn-in one. Upside - I have two spares (without handles!).

Where are these breaking exactly? I have one I use on auto’s and of course one for my dick.

I was actually doing brakes the other day and my wife came into the garage, “isn’t that the same… nevermind” 🤣

I’ve had that plastic mityvac, literally for decades, with zero issues, and consistent use. My dick mityvac has been just as flawless.

Mine broke near the pivot pin. Just search online for mitivac replacement parts and get the metal handle.

Here it is. Part #801330:

A & A Hydraulic

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 05-24-2022 at .
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