Another batmate question.
I’ve been thinking of getting a bathmate for a while now and about ready to pull the trigger,but its an expensive tool and looking for encouragement for it or against it is welcomed. It says it can correct a curve. I used an extended for 8 months,jelqed against the curve, and manual stretched and nothing has been fixing it. It is not peyronies though. Has anybody had luck with a pump and curve correction? I’ve also heard mix bag about EQ improvements from using it and was wondering anybodys experience with that. Last Is length gains. I’m wanting one solely for girth and I’m ok if I get any length gains but it seems like I’m not seeing any reports on good length gains. So is it safe not to expect much of terms of gaining length?Also I know people jelq between sets and after but I was wondering if you think ULI would be too intense to do after a pumping session to push it farther?
Last edited by morbidangel : 08-19-2014 at .