Any Hard Core Penis Only Pumpers
It seems like the really hard core pumpers go for the balls as well and so they start using the cock and ball tubes.
I’d like to know if any hard core, consistent, Penis only pumpers have experience they’d like to share.
1. What are good pressures and times:
I’ve found if I stay at 5Hg that I don’t get blisters, but I don’t get max elongation in the tube either. I can work up to 15hg for short periods and then back down to 10hg for almost an hour. But then I get blisters if I stay at higher pressure for longer times.
I’m interested in length. I will work on girth later. I have two tubes a 1.75 with I completely pack all the way to my head and my head almost packs it. I have a 2.0 for when my length hits the 9” mark inside the 1.75” tube. Right now I can hit only 7” with the VelSeal tube. Very comfortable tube by the way.
2. Any special tips on training frequency. I like to to every day and take one day off a week. I sometimes do twice a day (home office allows me to work naked if I so desire).
3. Anything else you recommend. Like how long it takes to gain compared to say extender devices….
I started June 09, at 5.5” BPEL and I am now 6.5” and I had to take off almost month in there. I switched to air pumping from water pumping (with Bathmate) because of the mess of water pumping. I also use a home-made “phallosan” type of ADS device.
I tried hanging for a while and felt that at least half of my 1” in length growth came from that, but it takes too much time to set up and take down and set up and take down… just to get an hour of hang time in, plus it’s really hard to work effectively having to have weight hang, and I tried installing a pulley system under my desk, but it’s not the same stretch as hanging straight down.
Anyway, chime in with YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I’m totally uninterested in theory or what you heard from someone else.