Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Any side effects?

Any side effects?

I’m just going to start with a vacuum pump. Do vacuum pumps really have all those side effects described on Manual Penis Enlargement websites or those “side effects” are being mentioned only because of competition ? :)

Also, all Manual Penis Enlargement websites say that pumps results are not permanent. What is the truth?


Many pumpers, including myself, have found pumping to bring about permanent length and girth gains. Combined with other PE techniques like jelqing, squeezes and stretches, the results can be cumulative. In retrospect, I believe that my first 1 inch gain in length (2.25 in total as of now) was mostly due to semi-regular responsible vacuum pumping. My excellent girth gains ( 2 inches) which continue even now I will attribute a good part to pumping. I’ve started to reincorporate modest pumping on a regular daily basis again, and I find my girth gains increasing much faster.

An individual can pump to extreme, and sometimes at the beginning a person can overdo it out of overzealousness. This extreme kinds of pumping are often what websites refer to. Often I think they trash talk pumping, because they are trying to push their own products or pay programs.

I suggest reading through the many informative posts/threads in this Pumpers Forum. More honest information and personal success and caution reports are listed here than on other sites. Much success to you in your goals.


Hi Dim,

Welcome to Thunder’s Place and to the Pumper’s Forum.

I also started out with those PE paysites that give such bad press for hanging and pumping.

However all these sites, as you know, have interests. Financial interests, they are there to sell something. This forum is for the people, by the people, and it’s not selling anything.

It took me a while to realize that both hanging and pumping are not so bad as those sites make them to be.

In fact, they are both completely valid and very effective ways of enlarging your penis. And, most importantly, are NOT dangerous IF used correctly.

You will suffer from none of the side effects that are mentioned in the paysites, if you know what things to avoid.

Regarding the gains from pumping - there is still a debate about how permanent they are. It could very well be that it’s also an individual thing. Almost all pumpers I talked to agree that there are some permanent gains, for some they were bigger gains for other smaller.

However, if you combine pumping with jelqing and squeezes or other PE exercises, you might get much better results. This is my advise to you. You won’t be disappointed!

Read this wonderful introduction to pumping by avocet8: Vacuum Pumping 101.

Also read this great thread about combining pumping with other PE exercises: Synergistic Effect of Pumping When Systematically Combined with Other PE Techniques.

Please don’t hesitate to ask any other questions.

Good Luck!

Just noticed peforeal has also replied to this post while I was writing, so it seems we’re basically saying the same thing. And he’s a much more experienced pumper than me, so take his word for it! :)

Started today with moderate pumping.

My manual pump has arrived today and I am incorporating into my routine of V-Stretch, Power-Jelq, and 3- 5min. sets of pump sessions.

This is the first time I have ever combined such so the results should be quite interesting and spectacular, I am hoping.



There is a learning curve to effective pumping. So, take it slow and easy and gradually work up. The feeling of pumping can be quite erotic, so be cautious not to get too carried away and pump with too much pressure or for too long. The variety that you are adding to your PE routines is a good thing. You can also try variations on the techniques that you are using in order to keep your dick guessing, i.e one day day use jelqing/pumping, the next day powerjelq and pumping, etc. Good luck in your gains and your new addition to your PE regimen.


Thanks for the tips.

Good Advice.


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