Anyone use a LeLuv Cylinder?
It looks like a decent quality cylinder and so I just purchased one on Amazon for 30.99 US. I had previously been using a homemade 2” gravel tube setup with a bake hard clay base. It worked great and kept a great seal but I was packing it pretty much all the way to the glands. The the other day I decided to wrap an electric heat pad around the tube while I was in it. After a while I unwrapped it to check things out and the tube had warped all around just above where my penis ended. Its still usable, but I figured it was time to move on. I decided I would rather not try to make another one myself and this one has a built on measuring system. I figured for 30 bucks it would give it a try. I moved up to the 2.25 x 9. I didn’t realize that I was 5.5” girth at the base, I had always measured from the circ scar.
Anyway If anyone has any experience with the LeLuv Cylinder I would like to hear about it.