Hey Frypup,
all in all this is a frustrating situation.
In your place I would really thinking of what you want to try to do in the future.
You did a lot of pe exercises.
Most of them didn’t work out well for you.
Maybe pumping is not the best for you as it is more demanding than other exercises and relies heavily on body feedback.
In my opinion you don’t have a good sensory feedback that you need to manipulate your penis in the right intensity to gain.
I am interpreting your posts in a way that you tend to over train in general.
Especially when you write that you don’t have sensations when you pump.
This really surprises me.
I feel a lot when I pump and actually like the feelings and effects it causes ;)
A lack of a good sensory system can be dangerous as you will only use the intensity that you can feel.
In your case the intensity you feel that you think you need to grow might be too high( looking at your pe background and different exercises you did ).
You must become more in tune therefore with your penis in my opinion.
Good concepts to achieve that are a progressive routine approach with a low intensity starting point, the PI theory and ease into the stretch-mentality.
I think the ED routine 1/1 could be a good idea as a re-start for 2-4 weeks as it helps to teach you to control and influence the EQ under vacuum.
You will need the high EQ for gains outside the tube.
Without it is difficult to grow although you can get spectacular results in(!) the tube with low EQ.
This skill set is needed to succeed in pumping in my eyes and worth a try when pe is the goal.
Most of the succesful pe pumpers I found, pumped in a similar style (high EQ, long duration, low - mid pressure, heat + warm-up , 1/1).
Therefore I would be switching after a couple of weeks to a long duration low pressure pumping routine and work my way up step by step in the following months.
In your case I would do the something like this after a condition break:
Warm up
-under IR light (or warming up with a heating pad, rice sock etc for 10 min before starting)
-I introduced this exercise I found in a pe book to the german community back in the day. It is not popular around here, but it is a good warm up when you got problems with your base.
It really helps to relax your ligs and base.
You can skip the last exercise.
https://www.tra nslatetheweb.co … unlocking.86%2F
Pre-stretch in warm up intensity
-experiment with your vac hanger as a stretching tool to avoid any problems with the grip at the glans
- do 5-10 min slow and gentle ease into stretches (read firegoats posts).
Go by feel and not reps. Keep it between 10-90s and don’t use much force. You want to be relaxed and plumb before going into the tube. Max length is not the goal. It is a warm up and a learning tool for not using too much intensity ;)
do the ED routine 1/1 (start with 2x5 min, then add a set every week if you feel like it)
Warm down
under Ir light
and do weighted kegels like towel raises or against the palm erect kegel presses.
This helps a lot with the strengthening of the base.
Hope this helps.