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Baseball bat and Pumping

Baseball bat and Pumping

Will a baseball-bat shape make pumping more difficult?

I’ve got a baseball-bat shape— the thickest point is 5.5”

My base girth is just under 6”

I’m a little concerned about how this is going to effect pumping (I’m planning on pumping in the near future but I’m worried that my ‘baseball bat’ will block the tube so that I don’t get suction on my mid-shaft.

If the thickest point of my baseball-bat exceeds my base girth I’m guessing it’s going to cause me problems.

As it is I’ve got an hour-glass shape due to the hanging and jelqing and I’m worried that with continued jelqing the girth of my baseball-bat will exceed that of the base of my shaft.

I guess you will never really know until you try. Since your largest girth is still at the base, that is a good sign for success.

Is there clarification on this point now?

I’ve been away for a while and I must have lost some girth because my dimensions are now 5.25 at the base and 5.5 at the top.

would getting a thinner tube to restrict growth at the top allow the base and mid-shaft to catch up through pumping alone?

Will a 5.5 diameter tube produce a 5.5 girth penis? How do I work out the size of the cylinder needed to develop a 5.5 girth penis through pumping alone and is that even possible?

Judging by the sizing table it looks like I need a custom-made tube. :/

Last edited by Mr. F : 03-25-2009 at .
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