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pumping observations and log


pumping observations and log

Ok yesterday i got my pump. It was the kaplan hand pump. Right off the bat i noticed a problem. The pressure wasn’t being applied constantly to the cylinder. Come to find out that where the you attach the male connector into the cylinder, that piece is loose and air escapes from there so i order to pump i have to hold that down and squeeze pump with the other hand so i have a two-handed operation. Also because of this i can’t keep the guage fixed on any single number so i am pumping between 7 and 4 hg. I will call their office to see if i can get another cylinder. Talking about the cylinder, the design is perfect for someone like me. It is fatter at the base just like me.

After my first session with it i now know why i was never really successful with my first pump 10 years ago. Before i would stay in the pump for more than 25 minutes now the longest i will be in the pump is 15 minutes @7-5 hg.

How bout some teflon tape for pipe threads to seal the connection? Less than a buck at any hardware store…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Sounds good. thanks for the advice RB. I will go buy some today.


A quality cylinder, hose, connectors and gauge make all the difference in the world when it comes to effective pumping. To anyone out there considering pumping for the first time, don’t scrimp! Do it right the first time! This may seem like a silly question, but did you just try to twist and tighten up the male connector? Mine sometimes loosens, and that’s all I need to do to rectify the problem.


I read that post about the other person with the kaplan. They told him it was a defective tube. Yes i have tried tighting the connecter but it seems loose from the inside. its about a 1/16 of an inch gap between the cylinder and the small black rubber attachment maybe even less. Last night it wasn’t so bad but the pressure still slips some.

Yes I second Peforeal. Bye the quality equipment and above all have a gauge in the system.

It has a gauge and it looks(looked) quality except for the connector. I went and bought the teflon tape but i haven’t used it yet. I will call Kaplan’s office to see what the say. I had a kaplan pump before, the electric one. That thing was built like a tank, and i had two tubes with it. Never had a problem with them for more than 5 years of off and on use so thats why i bought this kaplan hand pump. plus kaplan is pretty good about answering questions and stuff.

Doing something right

I am doing something right in my pumping. The other night i did 1 set for 10 minutes then rested for 5 minutes. when i was doing my second set, i filled the tube girth wise from the base to way past mid-shaft. This week i will increase time in the tube from 10 to 15 minutes.

That must have been an eye-opener. You’re doing something right.



Yes it was, the first thing i checked was to see if my balls were sucked in, and they weren’t. i tell you i feel super confident about this pumping, i know now that i will reach my goals with it.

Good to hear that, monsta. The bad rap pumping always got is gradually turning around. Hope you not only reach your goal but get some extra, just for “insurance.” Even if you didn’t want the extra, I’m sure you’ll find ways to cope. :-)



Exactly avocet! I wish you and this board was around when i bought my first pump, damn how big would I be by now? I was to naive and young then, a perfect pupil. now i am just naive :) .

I hear you, monsta. I wish this board had been around when I was eighteen.

On the other hand, maybe we appreciate a thing more when we have worked for it and are also old enough to know its value.



Boy do I wish had all of this knowledge of pumping and PE when I was much younger. I’d probably be an easy flaccid size of 8” x 7” by now. On the other hand, I probably wouldn’t have gone to graduate school, would have become a pornstar and ended up on TV pushing penis enlargement pills.

Knowledge come to us when we can best handle it. I’m grateful for where I’m at today.


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