Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bathmate craze over or does it still work?


Originally Posted by Makemelarge

My pump is permanently broken, it no longer can pump as the cracks in the pressure valve progressively got worse and worse I guess.. Now it leaks air into the pump faster than I can pump water out.. Making it unusable.

I’m not sure if it was me and my pump habits? But after only 3-4 months I am very disappointed in the longevity of this product.

You have just convinced me not to purchase this pump, your post and their representatives total lack of support on this board

I’ve got one ordered just for fun. It will be here on Nov 18th. I take a bath most every night so, why not? I’m not gonna tell the Mrs and just see if I get reactions from her. The only thing about more girth for me it it means less head, usually. We’ll see about that as well.

I, too, am just about to order one. I’m now curious about the longevity and support. Also, is the 25% discount available in Canada?

Originally Posted by Makemelarge
My normal flaccid is maybe 4x4.5 or less, after pumping it stays a consistent 5x5.

Erect, I’m 7.25 x 5.25, and an erection DIRECTLY after pumping will put me at 7.5 x almost 6. Keep in mind it only lasts like 30 minutes.

I don’t under stand why I don’t get big expansion after my session. I’ve had a few month nailed in now and still don’t see much expansion after 20 minutes. At most I think I get about 0.25” or less??

I don’t know if it’s too much pressure or not enough. Do you or anyone else pump past or under their EL? If so how much? Do you guys find your pump sessions relaxing of do you feel any sort of stress on your unit.


Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Hey all, just checking back in since I said I would. I’m near the end of a week-long break (I was getting some discoloration from the pump), and although I have retained some of the flaccid gains, I don’t think much is different in terms of EL or EG (I’m not sure it ever was). I am hoping that those will come soon, as I can pump farther in the tube than when I started. I will start up again tonight. Anyway, overall I’m happy with the product and it is doing something, but I haven’t seen the erect gains I was hoping for yet. Will keep you all posted.

I don’t know why you’re not getting any expansion. My penis is engorged after 15 minutes and lasts for about 5 hours. I haven’t done any exercises and notice that I gain a little in girth (permanent).

Originally Posted by khuezy
I don’t know why you’re not getting any expansion. My penis is engorged after 15 minutes and lasts for about 5 hours. I haven’t done any exercises and notice that I gain a little in girth (permanent).

How long have you been using the Bm? How far up do you pump compared to your EL?


Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916
How long have you been using the Bm? How far up do you pump compared to your EL?


Been about a month. I can go up to about 170mm. My results are starting to show. I’ve been pumping w/o jelqing for the first month. I’ve done 2 jelqs of 100 (2-3 seconds each) the last couple of days, and my gains in girth are staying permanently. My length has gain some too, but not as much or fast as my girth.

Overall my penis is a lot “meatier” and a little longer :)
I plan on using the BM and I’ll be reporting my results.


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