Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bathmate craze over or does it still work?

Originally Posted by khuezy
Hi, I got my bathmate about 5 days ago. Pumped 3 times for about 10 minutes. The pressure was amazing. But then on the 4th day, I found out I was pumping wrong. The pressure is suppose to be constant and not deplete right away.
I gained about .5 inches since. But I do jelqing in between. My girth was immediately noticeable.

Thanks for your input, and I hope you manage to cement those early gains. Please keep us posted on your progress as we need more long-term feedback about this interesting device.

Does anyone have a picture of this Bathmate product?

I do plenty of wet pumping with a regular pump and it’s fairly easy to do and doesn’t require a special brand/model. Wet pumping is much rather to see immediate, short-term gains, as quick as 20 minutes whereas normal pumping may take about 45 minutes.

Originally Posted by irishjim

Thanks for your input, and I hope you manage to cement those early gains. Please keep us posted on your progress as we need more long-term feedback about this interesting device.

You’re welcome, I jelq’d on and off before but the bathmate keeps me motivated because I can see/feel the results instantly. But to keep the results permanent, I read you have to do manual exercises too. I will definitely update my result/progress. As of right now, I highly recommend the bathmate to anyone who needs a motivator in their PE program.

It’s been about a month now, using the Bathmate 20 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week. I still like it. I get a good flaccid (better than just from jelqing, in my experience), and I’m consistently pumping about 1cm longer in the tube than when I started. I’ve also noticed the added thickness seems to be staying longer, at least a day, although I haven’t measured and haven’t noticed it so much for erect girth. Anyway, I’ll measure at 6 weeks after a 2-day break and let you all know if I see anything noteworthy.

Hey socrates, do you do any PE with your bathmate?

Just a little bit of jelqing (usually 2 days on, 1 or 2 off) - 150 to 200 per session.

It is interesting I am looking forward to hearing of all your progress.

I will continue pumping and using other methods but I will be keeping an eye on development on that scene.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Phenyo I’m very interesting to see whether or not you are able to gain from water pumping after you have already gained so much and are obviously way out of the realm of newbie gains anymore.

I read a few posts on different sites on the bathmate, I read that the increased length and girth only lasted 3-5 hours from pumping. I’ve noticed that my increased girth stays for 24+ hours. I don’t have the exact measurements, but I can see and feel it being bigger.

hey fellas had my bathmate for a week now so i would like to give you guys a update on my experience. I also have a few questions for you experience pumpers. ill start with some background on my pumping experience, first off i have never pumped till now and the bathmate is my first pump.

my pros for the bathmate so far are that you get a amazing pump, you really feel it working!! and like most people have said here you stay pumped and hanging for the full day!! i also consistently pump above my starting stats. i have no measured yet but it for sure feels like im bigger, i also do stretching and jelqing with the pump.

now my cons are the site says that the hurcules model can take girth up to 6.5 i my self am 5.75 and feel very tight in the tube so i would recommend anyone 6 or bigger get a bigger size bathmate. the other thing i noticed is that unless you use the bathmate in a bath submerges under water the seal and the pump does not compare!! if you guys want to take full advantage of the product i highly recommend pumping in a bath over shower.

now my questions i have are im really focusing on length being im 5.75 girth right now i dont really care to much for girth… so my question is will pumping hinder my length gains?? or can pumping only help? i’ve seen people have different views on this. The other question i have is for you other guys that use the bathmate, when you guys are done do you get marks from the seal all on the base of your dick? i feel like this is stretching my skin. anyone else have this problem?

hope this helps some of you guys and i will keep you guys updated.

Shiby’s got a good thread on his progress with the bathmate if I remember correctly.

Dec '09 : NBPEL: 6'' x EG: 5.1'' x FL: 2" -----> Aug '10 : NBPEL: 6.3'' x EG: 5.6'' x FL: 2"

Yeah, don't worry. It did not take me 8 months to get these gains. I was more off than on when it came to PE :O

Goal: EL: 7.25" x EG: 6.2" x FL: 4"

Originally Posted by thisismyyear
hey fellas had my bathmate for a week now so i would like to give you guys a update on my experience. I also have a few questions for you experience pumpers. ill start with some background on my pumping experience, first off i have never pumped till now and the bathmate is my first pump.

my pros for the bathmate so far are that you get a amazing pump, you really feel it working!! and like most people have said here you stay pumped and hanging for the full day!! i also consistently pump above my starting stats. i have no measured yet but it for sure feels like im bigger, i also do stretching and jelqing with the pump.

now my cons are the site says that the hurcules model can take girth up to 6.5 i my self am 5.75 and feel very tight in the tube so i would recommend anyone 6 or bigger get a bigger size bathmate. the other thing i noticed is that unless you use the bathmate in a bath submerges under water the seal and the pump does not compare!! if you guys want to take full advantage of the product i highly recommend pumping in a bath over shower.

now my questions i have are im really focusing on length being im 5.75 girth right now i dont really care to much for girth… so my question is will pumping hinder my length gains?? or can pumping only help? i’ve seen people have different views on this. The other question i have is for you other guys that use the bathmate, when you guys are done do you get marks from the seal all on the base of your dick? i feel like this is stretching my skin. anyone else have this problem?

hope this helps some of you guys and i will keep you guys updated.

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:_pump: :donatecar

Thisismyyear, I have the same issue with the rings around the base. I’m not really sure it’s a problem, though - they usually go away after a few minutes, although sometimes leave red marks that last a day or two. I don’t mind them so far, though - I kind of feel like I know it’s working that way. Plus, if you’re already 5.75, you can’t be stretching it that much more anyway.

Update: I just had my best experience yet. I can barely hold wrap my hands around my penis. Would be nice if it was permanent, time will tell.

Hello friends,

Bathmat is not a scam, it is a pice of engineering marble that of course can be improved upon with time. Most users on this forum have reported gains in girth and length, but as with any Bathmate Penis Enlargement time is the key ingredient.

On the commercial site of things; Bathmate has been copied by the Chinese, the Pakistanis, the Malaysians and now recently the Polish, all of those are sub-par units that actually breach the Patents that Bathmate has and the company has been fairly successful in stopping importation of these copies to the United States and to Europe. The copying demonstrates the will that people are willing to go to in the attempt to get rich quick and in one case (a counterfeit under the name of Water Buddy) the actual “rubber” component in the unit was tier grade rubber, meant for car wheals, not a human being.

If you guys have any questions, you can visit the Review forum and post your comments and questions there.



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