Bathmate Questions
Hi guys,
Straight to the subject. Just bought a bathmate hydromax 7, 3 weeks ago.
It seems fun, actually it seems to be more efficient than air pumps, I have never experienced such a massive penis after air pumping (also not so experienced with air pumps)
After 2 weeks of daily use, here are my questions:
1. Is it normal to have some small red dots on the foreskin after working out? Is it overtraining?
2. Is it normal to feel discomfort after the first 2-3 pumps, even well before reaching limit? (Am I missing a conditioned penis?)
3. I can only last for 2-3 minutes, and when releasing the pressure, I can see the dark coloured spots on my glans. They go away after a few seconds of massage. Is this normal?
4. Can it aggravate Peyronie? I might have a modest start of Peyronie, a bit bent to the left.
5. Is it normal not to reach the size on the grid?
I am 17.5cm bone pressed size, and I can only get to 14.5 max in the tube. Should I try to add more pressure?
6. Do you have a special routine for girth or length?
I also have started using a phallosan forte, and have bought the complete kit from totalman, but have not used it yet.
7.1 x 5.1 and growing! Final goal: seeking celebrity:) ) 8x6