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Bathmate tips for the smaller

Bathmate tips for the smaller

Hi Everybody,

I have a few insights on penis pumping with an under average dick.

My main point is that generally smaller penises (especially girth wise) tend to tolerate stress from PE significantly less, that’s why you can easily overtrain using even the newbie manual routine. What could be the cause? Maybe thinner penises have less tissue around the nerves and blood vessels so those could get more direct physical trauma, without meaty cushioning.

My other point is with water pumping using the bathmate. Lot of users tend to push out water from the bathmate until no more comes out. I tried this after 1 month of conditioning with the BM and I got red dots and shit EQ after 10 minutes, it also was moderately painful. I knew pain was bad but it took me many years to really understand differences between pain levels. For me even mild pain is too much force, where I surely know a lot of guys who would consider the feeling as indicator for effective training, a feeling which you can get used to. For me getting used to moderate discomfort in the BM brought overtraining and sensitivity loss. All this without even pumping the BM near to the max! My theory is that if you take the same size BM and two different penis sizes, what happens when you push out until no more comes out? Well a bigger dick takes more space in the BM so you have less water in it, so you can pump less water out and could be possible that your max BM pressure is lower, than the guy’s who pumps out more water because his dick takes less space and he has more vacuum put on his also more sensitive dick…which again leads to massive overtraining.

Solution? Can’t think of else than accepting that some people need even more lighter routines than what BM instructions suggest or most of the newbie routines for jelq&stretch. Knowing this you shouldn’t try to pump til no more water comes out from the bathmate. For me, I now look for the feeling of a slightly expanding feeling near my CS. I use it with full erection put it on and pump only maybe half inch down, not all the way. This way I can dose the vacuum boosts in smaller increments. I pump this way 2-3 times. It is very important that you wait about 10 seconds after each pump, for me it needs about this time til my dick really feels what’s going on. The short term feeling could be very well pleasant but after 10-20 seconds it could ache and for me only the slightest penis ache feeling is acceptable, anything more will lead to overtraining.

I do this 1day on 1day off.

Two additional things. If you see little air bubbles coming from the valve slowly in BM, their official website states:
“The Hydromax is designed to slowly release pressure to avoid over suction damage.”
Nonetheless it’s a useless function and maybe they just want to cover up samples with just slightly faulty valves? I don’t know but I also experienced that after reaching a certain vacuum level most of the time the valve starts to work properly, interestingly this is most of the time at the point where I feel optimal pressure for my session, but this could be pure coincidence.

I also had leakage around my pubic area despite shortly trimmed hair and using vaseline, hotter water, nothing helped using the x20. I just turned the gator 180 degrees and use it this way. It functions much better now because the flat part is at the problematic leak area not the suggested inclined part.

I could be wrong with my hypotheses so I ask you guys with under average girth and/or length please write me your experiences which correlate or oppose the points. Thank you.

Currently: BPEL=6.4" NBPEL=5.6" MSEG=4.8"

Last edited by cayance : 12-14-2016 at .

Hey man I started PE with similar girth and a lot less length.

Took me around 1 month to learn to use the BM properly.

One thing that might be happening is that your penis is getting stucked on the cylinder wall or something like that. One thing that can solve this is to pump with a condom. You’ll notice your penis will slide easily this way.

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

Hi great post. I have about the same measurements and have been using the x30. My unit seems to be able to take more pressure as I can pump until no more water comes out and pump twice a day.

Everyone’s a little different I guess.

Jan 2015 BPEL 6.5 x BG 4.25

Sept 2015 BPEL 6.9 X BG 4.5

Goal EL 7.5 X MG 5.5

Okay guys just let you know that my main problem was I wanted to use bathmate every day for 10 minutes in one set. I had not so good EQ and after 10 minutes some darkening too. Now I do a 1on1 schedule with max pressure 6 minutes only and so far very good EQ and penis is rather pink than purple after 6 mins in one session. Interestingly this way I can handle max pressure without any pain.

Most useful trick for me so far is when I can not pump out any water with reasonable force and reach max pressure, but I feel it’s too strong (burning or close to bursting sensations, pinhead twitching feeling) I immediately push down on the bathmate near the gator part towards my pelvis. Not super strong so water could come out, but strong enough to lower vacuum levels. It’s very fast, easy and I don’t have to push release valve for vacuum lowering, so no air comes in either. If I am accustomed to this vacuum level I can release my pushing hand and get the max pressure eventually.

Currently: BPEL=6.4" NBPEL=5.6" MSEG=4.8"

Originally Posted by G263

My advice. Don’t use a bath mate. Buy a standard pump setup with a gauge.

G263 is right. BUT…… the bathmate does work it does for me. HOWEVER it’s temporary I don’t give a shit what anyone says it does NOT LAST! Since you, like myself have spent the $$$$ use it but use with caution until you build up. Don’t pump to the max you don’t need to. Also get an air pumping with a gauge(it’s much cheaper) start with that and work in the bathmate as you feel comfortable.

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