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Bathmate Users : the perfect length during session proportionate to your BPEL

Bathmate Users : the perfect length during session proportionate to your BPEL

This thread would like to continue another thread “Bathmate Users — how do you manage pressure?” but would like to be focus on a specific point.

First of all all bathmate users would know that is impossible to control pressure with the bathmate because this water pump has not a gauge so forget it. People that maybe tried before water pumping air pumping may find by sensation the right pressure. But for people like me that bought bathmate as the first pump is impossible to make a comparison and find the right pressure. So the only way to manage a safe pressure with the Bathmate is going by lenght. Let me explane better. Let’s say some of you are using bathmate really well without problems or side effect but just with benefits. It would be interesting if you post your natural BPEL( Bone Pressed Erect Length) and the lenght you reach while you are doing exercise with your bathmate using the indicator on your bathmate.

Let’s say your bpel is 18 cm and when you train your unit with the bathmate you never go over 160 mm this mean you are pumping around 90% percent of your BPEL.This is the point I would like to find out the right percentage related to your unit for training safely but in the same time has to be effective in the long period to get gain in size.

I hope I was clear with my bad english but the new point is the percentage of your BPEL during session and to be helpful also the time of your session.

Like 110% for 5 minutes or 95% for 20 minutes.I hope again to be clear.

C’mon bathmate users!Still waiting for your answer…

Originally Posted by robbie2073
C’mon bathmate users!Still waiting for your answer…

Read the water pumping thread.

SparkyX suggests a method for gauging pressure there.

A note regarding BPEL and pumped length is that you need to be wary if your penis has a curve.

Personally, I have a visible upwards curve on my penis. When I measure with a ruler, I usually straighten the penis to get a correct measurement.

When in the tube, the curve makes my BPEL by default smaller than my measured BPEL out of the tube. Thus, if I reach my BPEL in the tube, I am actually beyond my real BPEL.

Actually Robbie this makes sense, perhaps we should make a video explaining this method for Bathmate users. Have has it worked for you since your original post in November?

— Agust

Originally Posted by robbie2073
This thread would like to continue another thread “Bathmate Users — how do you manage pressure?” but would like to be focus on a specific point.

I did give this a bit of a though, and after speaking with my colleagues and reading a bit more; I can gather that users generally do two of the following:

a) Modify their Bathmates to fit an external pressure gauge to monitor the pressure.
b) Say that they get a feel for it after having used it.

Personally I am split between the two; I can see the benefits of option a) but the simplicity of b) is a beauty.

— Agust (Yes, I am a user :) )

I use the recommendation made by Sparkyx and pump up to 1/2’” less than my BPEL since I am going for girth. For length he suggests pumping up to 1/4” less than your BPEL.

I know this is an old thread but I think this is an important issue as I feel many Bathmate users are pumping up to the maximum pressure, which I feel is too High.

2009 Bpel-6 5/8", Eg-5"

2011 Bpel-7 3/8", Eg-5 1/4"

2013 BPEL-7 3/8", EG 5 3/8"

My BPEL is 180 mm.

When starting witht eh BM, I pumped up to exactly that length. In the meantime I pump up to 195 - 200 mm, so this is approximately 110 % of my BPEL.

BPEL: 6.7 > 7.3 > 8.0

EGM: 5.7 > 6.7 > 7.0

My previous EGM goal was 6.5 inches. Now that I reached that in 2016, I set a new goal with 7.0 inches.

I for one pump till I can’t pump out anymore is that a bad thing? I haven’t noticed anything bad accept my unit gets a little sore but when I first take it out it looks like its bigger than a big ice tea can.

May 2010 el 6.5 eg 5.9

Jan 2011 el 7.2 eg 6 GOAL:JUN 2011 8x6.5 LONG TERM GOAL:9X7.5

April 2012 el 7.5 eg 6 going to be huge ;) wish I had before and after pics.. Newbies do it for your own sake!

Boomboom, For me it would be a bad. For you it might be ok. If I pump up to full pressure I get fluid build up.

Again I am paraphrasing what Sparkyx has posted already. To know whether or not you are getting fluid build up try this…
While your in a normal flaccid state, pinch some skin on your shaft. Do the same thing after you pump. If it feels thicker you are getting fluid build up.

Also, Keep in mind that getting higher numbers on the measurements on the side of the tube doesn’t always mean you are pumping up to a higher length. At some point your penis will be stretched to it’s maximum length. After that you are just compressing the bellows more, not stretching more.

Try measuring your length with a ruler while you pump. At first you will get a longer measurement with each pump. At some point you will see the number on the ruler stay the same while the numbers on the side of your tube continue to increase. their is no point in using more pressure than what is needed to reach your maximum length under pressure. In fact I stay 1/2’ below my bone pressed length.

Good luck

2009 Bpel-6 5/8", Eg-5"

2011 Bpel-7 3/8", Eg-5 1/4"

2013 BPEL-7 3/8", EG 5 3/8"

Bathmate vs Vacuum Pump

Have any of you used the bathmate and also used a regular vacuum pump?

Is fluid build up a bad thing? I don’t understand broken capillaries wither are they bad if you get them?

May 2010 el 6.5 eg 5.9

Jan 2011 el 7.2 eg 6 GOAL:JUN 2011 8x6.5 LONG TERM GOAL:9X7.5

April 2012 el 7.5 eg 6 going to be huge ;) wish I had before and after pics.. Newbies do it for your own sake!

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