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Broke my LA pump, where to buy cheap replacement or parts?

Broke my LA pump, where to buy cheap replacement or parts?

I dropped and damaged my LA pump in the shower. The hand pump still works but the vacuum gauge is busted. The needle won’t move anymore. Where can I buy a cheap replacement? I hate to shell out another $70 for a new pump. Is it possible to DIY and just replace the dead vacuum gauge with a new one? Thanks!

BTW, is LA Pump still in business? I tried Welcome to and but none of them work.


As far as just replacing the gauge goes, I tried Googling “vacuum gauges” a while back and found lots of gauges, but I was having trouble finding one with the proper thread size/diameter. Try doing a google search and see if you have better luck. Or, remove the gauge and take it around to auto parts stores and see if they can’t find one for you.

Once the lapdist site gets active again, you might try asking them if they can break a gauge loose for you, or at least put you in touch with the hand pump manufacturer.

You can find cheap vacuum gages here:

I believe the standard size connection for for most hand pumps is the 1\8 size.

The best I can measure, the threads on the lapdist gauge are 3/8 inch OD. That 1/8 inch seems tiny, am I doing something wrong?

Anyway, another place to check is your phone book yellow pages under Vacuum Equipment & Systems. I found several possibilities there for finding a gauge.

It’s 1\8 NPT, so 3\8” ( actually 13\32” ) is correct. Take your gage to Lowe’s or Home Depot and see if it fits a 1\8 NPT coupling.

OK then, now I see the conversion from 1/8 NPT to 13/32 (what I measured as 3/8). Then the gauge for you from the above web site would be this:

The only difference between this gauge and your original gauge is that the dial face is slightly smaller in diameter. 1.5 inch compared to 2.0 inch original.

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