Bruise do not want to go away
Dear All,
I start pumping last year on August, I had a some problems on december: after one week stop I start pumping at high pressure (for me) 6-7 hg. I have got a bruise at the base (on the left side) of my penis. Since I have really difficulties to heal: I heal then I restart at very low presuure 2.5 hg, after two weeks I rebruise. I have tried many kind of cream (emu oil, vitamin K cream, arnica gel) and no improvement. When I use Arnica gel it seems that I react too strongly and the I have some Ithcing and the bruise area increase (do any of you experiment the same reaction ?) and redness. Do any of you can give me some tips ? I hope one day I will be able to restart pumping. Hopefully I have bo problem with my erection…..
Many thanks for your advices.