Hey guys I do two 1 hour setsShould I break the sets up into 15 minutes increments because I been doing a whole hour straight
With no breaks for each set
I did a trial of different times for pumping at 5 inHg, 1 hour stopped gains, the ideal seemed to be around 20 minutes, with diminishing results seen even at 30 minutes a day, every other day. It’s extremely time consuming to test each combination of parameters of time, frequency and pressure, so there are considerable gaps in the permutation table I’ve tested. There’s also the possibility that there are inherent differences between individuals response to any given combination.
Supposing there are differences in individuals and someone wants to investigate the ideal parameters for pumping, it might be useful to create something like a bingo card system, a permutation table. You can do this by creating a bingo card like table with two parameters for the x and y axis, then a new card for every third axis. It will become more complicated if you have more than three parameters.
Using a system like this, you could fill in the bingo card with the rate of gain over the amount of time the test took place, which is fraught with complications since maybe growth from something could be delayed and some growth seems to be transient, lasting only a day or two. The longer each test takes place, the more accurate your evaluation of each combination of parameters should be.
Normally doing something like this you would take parameters in large increments, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 30 minutes, 1 inHg, 5inHg, 7 inHg, etc. Then try to approximate the ideal, of course doing another test to verify that it does in fact give a better gain rate.
Tube diameter would be complicated to include into this kind of analysis, you would probably want to create a metric for the ratio between current penis girth circumference and inner tube diameter circumference. Erect girth circumference seems to have some daily variation, at least for me, so that would cause a major complication to accuracy and there are limitations to the tubes available since they seem to only come in .25” increments for the most part and it would be an extra expense.
Including sets would also result in a hugely complicated permutation table since the duration, frequency, and total number of sets would be in the thousands of combinations, depending on the increments of variation for the trial.
Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")
Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020
Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.