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Cant keep erection while in pump? Tips anyone?



I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot recently. I cobble together a melange of porn, thinking about past sexual experiences, and milking the tube. Still, I get variable sessions and erections. I have not gone to meds yet, but it is not off the table for the future

I’m convinced that staying hard throughout your sessions is the most important factor in getting a good workout. Ditto for keeping the lymph buildup to a minimum.

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with an approach that seems to help keep an erection in the tube. After I enter fully erect, pump up and get a firm seal, I decouple the pump (You can go this whithout decoupling as well if you place the pump in the proper place) and edge up on my seat/couch so that the tube is fully supported by my tally (you can do this standing as well) with nothing but air underneath.

The weight of the tube on my tally seems to spur this reflex reaction of maintaining an erection. I’m then free to eat, read, watch TV aside from the 99th time of that same porn tape (“wow, that was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting it but he actually pulled it out and shot on her face in that scene.”).

Erection quality can vary depending, but I do maintain an erection in this position and I think the weight of the tube seems to have a triggering stimulus.

Others should give it a try and report back on their findings.


Thanks for all the replies you guys…
Yes,I am getting a real good seal.

I would say that with the manual pump,it does not stay hard,but it does not retract that much.But I really think because 5hg is such a low amount of pressure,that it wont keep me real hard.
But as I tested yesterday,I can keep it pretty hard when jacking the tube off.
So I will probably just start using this pump.

Since the ctc 3000 does not keep constant pressure,it seems that I lose my erection prety quickly,definantly to a smaller level then with the manual pump.This really sucks since it was so expensive and I had high hopes for it.

Someone mentioned taking generic viagra. Well I have plenty of generic viagra(real viagra,just made by a knockoff company).
The thing is that I read that your body can/will get use to it,and start relying on it ,to the point that you cant get an erection without it.If this is not true,then i will start using it.What do you guys thing about this?

I realize that this is a response to a three year old post, but I was doing a search on threads on maintaining an erection during your pumping session, and this thread popped up.

First, I don’t think it is necessary to maintain a raging, rock-hard erection during your pumping session. In the past three years, an alternate opinion has emerged that if your goal is expansion and growth, a raging, rock-hard erection might actually be counterproductive. The idea about pumping with a penis that is not 100% erect, as I understand it, is that expansion forces applied to a penis that is not completely erect allow the connective tissue to reorganize to accommodate additional expansion more easily than a penis whose tissue is already at full expansion, and thus whose structure is more locked into place by internal tension.

Another development in the past three years - the release of the daily Cialis product, for those who want to be ‘always ready’. Also, there have been experiments with daily administration of Viagra to recondition penile tissues, resulting in a healthier penis that is subsequently more able to generate an erection independent of Viagra administration. Of course, in both those cases, the men taking them already suffer from ED. I am not aware of any studies concerning regular use of Viagra or Cialis or Levitra by those not experiencing ED. If you do not have ED, it is probably better to err on the side of caution and do not take it regularly.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I was going to start a new thread on this topic but this one popped up in search. As Lampwick was saying, last year there was this great thread: Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping that questioned the conventional wisdom of entering the tube hard/staying hard. The basic claim was that it may be better to work an unloaded Tunica.

Has anyone else obtained empirical results regarding which methodology may produce better gains.

Or maybe pumping in general ends up working an unloaded tunica, because although you go in fully erect, as the session continues the erection subsides (thus working an unloaded tunica):

My problem is I can keep a 95%+ erection throughout the session with a combination of milking, Kegeling, and porn. So as not to miss out on potential gains I’m wondering if it would be best to alternate the strategy each set or session. For instance during set 1 stay rock hard (or as close to as possible) the whole time, then on set 2 let the erection subside while in the pump, etc.?

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

I don’t regard this as a significant issue.

I’ve been pumping for 10 years. I’ve never bothered to start with an erection or maintain one while pumping.
I start flaccid and stay flaccid and get good expansion.

I think an erection would prevent maximum expansion. Example: try stretching your penis while it is erect as opposed to flaccid.


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