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Cock Ring Question

Cock Ring Question


I’ve been reading about using a cock ring to maintain your expanded pumped size for awhile longer and have a few questions.

1. Is is suppose to go around your dick only or your balls, too?

2. Does is really help you gain size to leave a cock ring on after pumping for permanent gains?

3. Are the flexible O-ring type the best?

Thanks in Advance


1. One type of “ring” won’t work for either just the cock or both cock and balls. A shaft ring will hold engorgement for some time after PE but you have to be sure you are getting adequate circulation. So will a cock and ball ring or an adjustable strap but again circulation is the issue.

2. I don’t know but I think so. I’m only basing this on personal experience. I got major length and girth gains in my first year of PE but little flaccid gain. After I started using a cock/ball strap a year ago after PE sessions, I began to see flaccid increase and that has continued steadily during the second yearsuch that my flaccid size is now proportional to my erect size; I’m big either way. But maybe it just took that long for my flaccid size to catch up and the strap had nothing to do with it?

3. IMO, the flexible “O” rings are just a cheap and easy way to buy a cock ring. Any good adult store will have literally dozens of choices in sizes and styles made of all sorts of materials. I do think the flexible ones are the best because they are more easily removed when you have to do that and they give some margin of blood circulation that metal or plastic doesn’t.




I use the same ring for both my shaft only and behind my balls, depending on how I feel like using it.

It’s this ring. I am very happy with it, it can be very easily adjusted to be very small or huge, that’s why you can use it both behind your balls or only for the shaft. Very easy to put on, very easy to get it off. Very easy to change the pressure. I’ve tried a few other types of rings which were either not so comfortable, or harder to put on and remove, or didn’t give enough pressure and therefor not enough expansion.

The only drawback about it is that it doesn’t look so sexy, and you are left with two pieces of rubber sticking out like two little rabbit ears! ;)

Oh, another drawback is that it’s too big to fit in the tube for pumping.

Anyhow - when you use it only for your shaft you get much bigger expansion in your shaft, it can be a difference of about 0.3". However I feel that putting it behind your balls is better for circulation so lately I usually use it like that.

It does keep a lot (not all) of your pumped up size after pumping, even a few hours later.

And, like avocet, I can’t be sure if it really has been beneficial for permanent gains (based on the cells repair in the pumped up state theory), but since it does makes sense and since it does feel good, and since the bulge in your pants does look good also, I keep doing it.


I gotta admit, never having had one, that I do enjoy now having a bulge in my pants.

But little rabbit ears? That is too funny.



Yeah, the whole thing ends up looking like a rabbit with a really long nose! :D

Some might like it..

Thanks guys for the info. Braker, I just ordered two of them.


I had one very similar to that a couple of years ago. It was included as a freebie when I ordered something else. I was going to start using it last year, but my wife had “organized” my stuff and had apparently tossed it out. Looking at that one, I figure that all I would need is some latex tubing the right size and a bead to recreate it.

Monday, I used a stretchy penis ring on my penis after a pump/jelq session, and it definitely stayed big for the several hours I had it on. I even got the dreaded donut, but that subsided after a couple of hours. :)

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