Hi there,
I’ve only been pumping for about a week and am slightly concerned. I’ve been doing something similar to the recipe proscribed on one of the threads of a good gainer I found via reading all the ‘Great pumping threads’ articles. His suggestion that he apparently got 2 inches in length with and some girth was..
Heat Wrap
10 minutes @ 5HG
10 minutes @ 5HG
10 minutes @ 5HG
Heat wrap
Done. I’ve followed this the first time without any condom on and after, I had kind of two small pimples almost. I think they were ingrown hairs or something to that effect. They showed up about 15 minutes after pumping. Two small ones, that seemed to be filled with ‘puss’ or some type of white liquid. I did my best to pop them and drain the liquid the following day or two days later when they were still there. The then scabbed over and days later formed a tiny discoloration of a scar. (I don’t mind this much — barely noticeable). I let the scab run it’s course ‘naturally’ which took about 5 days to 7 days.
After which, I tried using a semi-tight condom with pumping and doing just a mere 10 minutes or one set. With a heat wrap before/after and two sets of jelqing. Sooo..
Heat wrap
10 minutes @ 5HG
Heat wrap.
Done. This resulted in the area where the scabs had healed leaving little to no scaring, going from a dark purple color. There was no white puss things this time/pimple looking things on my dick. In addition, the purple marks went away after about 36 hours and my dick resumed regular color in those spots. No scab occurred. The scarring did not seem to get worse. Two mornings later, I had a really good erection. (Not morning wood but erection upon sexting with the gf). It seemed to be pretty thick/full in length and was hanging better throughout the day.
So 72 hours after my last pumping session having seen good EQ indicators in the 48-72 hour period, I did another pumping session and JUST finished maybe 10 minutes before writing this. I felt like I was on the “right track” due to no pimples, no scaring, just a bit of purpleness in the area were previous scars had occurred. I’m theorizing (and I hope a vet can chime in on this) it went dark purple because its a weakened area of skin due to previous injury. For today’s session, I did:
Heat wrap
2 minutes @ 2Hg (To kind of warm-up to pressure)
10 minutes @ 5HG
2 minutes @ 2Hg (To try to warm-down from pressure)
Heat wrap.
However, the purple marks are much stronger and much more evident then they were when I had my pumping session 72 hours prior at the end of my session. I am not sure if it just means the warm-up/cd pressure was a bad idea or what. My dick is turtling a little bit. My regular erect size is about 16-17cm on a good day and I’m flaccid atm at about 7cm. My regular flaccid is probably 8-9cm. My penis also did not become that ‘swollen’ during the last two pumping sessions like it did during the first with fluid buildup. I didn’t need to try to massage it or anything. It engorged a lot and became very hard in the tube, remained pretty hard for the full 10 minutes and so-forth. I’m basically reading erotic stories during pumping to remain hard. I was mostly aiming for hardness as it helps with the seal and I presume makes a little more pressure. Plus, if I wasn’t hard, I wouldn’t be filling the condom and condom pumping would be semi-pointless.
I’m not sure if I am doing something wrong here. I feel like I’m getting some good erection quality indicators (hardness in the 48-72 hour window after pumping and larger flaccid hang). I also feel like I’m getting some bad erection quality indicators (slight turtling. Purple marks after 2 sessions and the purple much worse the most recent session). I’m going to once again leave approximately 72 hours off or as long as it takes for the purple colored marks to return to a semi-neutral color.
I’m thinking next time I’ll try one session of 4HG for 5 minutes and then stop there. See how that goes? Is this a good course of action or is the purple marks not something to worry about? Of course, with the warm up before, jelqing before and jelqing after, warm up after. I’d appreciate any advice from the vets on this matter. Also, I can take a picture if that’s needed to give a better diagnosis.
Thanks in advance.