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Confused about pumping

Confused about pumping

Hello. I bought a bathmate last week and read a few how-to-posts (I admit it wasn’t much). Then I headed to the shower and began doing what I thought was right. Would fill it with hot water, place it to my body and what I thought was right for a beginner was.. A 5 minute session and pumping every 10 seconds.. After my recent session though I was feeling that my penis was looking kinda exhausted so I double checked with my friend and to my big suprise he told me that I was doing it extremely wrong. So apparently you’d place the pump to your body and pump once or twice ONLY until you have a good vacuum and then you let it stay like that for a few minutes? Is this the right way to go on about it? In my last session, I did about 15 pumps, I don’t know how my thing didn’t explode. 

Would really love to hear about the 100% right way to use the bathmate and how I should be scaling it up with time. So far I’ve been advised for a 5 minute session, but still one question remains unanswered - how many pumps should I do during that 5m session and during what interval? Thanks in advance and to the guys reading that are thinking about buying a pump - don’t repeat my mistake and learn how to properly use it before putting it on you.

I do not have an bathmate from I feel pretty confidence to say it from my understanding.

The amount of of pumps you need is depends on the penis size [Feel free to search Archimedes’ principle].

So its make sense that you are your friends does not need the same amount of pumps to get into the same vacuum level.

There has to be a good video of how to use your Bathmate correctly. If you are getting fifteen pumps, you are not getting a good seal. I don’t think I ever got more than five with mine. after a few minutes I might get one more pump, but not fifteen. Something is not right, and a video is likely the best way to understand what it is you need to be doing differently.

If you go to Youtube and search for, “Bathmate: How to use the Hydromax Series” there is a pretty good video of how to do it.

It’s not the number of pumps. The “rule of thumb” thinking is to pump up until you feel slight discomfort and back off slightly.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Forgot to ask.. How often should I be pumping in the week? I kinda enjoy it tbh, is it daily?

Originally Posted by varna

Forgot to ask.. How often should I be pumping in the week? I kinda enjoy it tbh, is it daily?

Just start with pump101 routine to avoid injuries and then find out what works for you.

Once conditioned, I pumped twice a day for 20 minutes at 5 hg, five or six days a week.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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