Addicted! Love PE, but my routine is confused
3 min hot wrap
20 min manual stretches
20 mins jelquing
10 mins ulis
10 mins horse squeezes
3 mins hot wrap.
Over last two weeks or so, my PE sessions have been lastin for about 2-3 hours! the stretching is becoming a huge part of my routine.
10mins hot air gun (I guess a hairdryer would do fine)
15mins sat on dick BTC (I forgot the name for now)
30-45mins AI stretch
30-45mins full stretches held for a minute at a time
10 min warm down
I’m presently 7” bpel 5”eg ; 8” nbp 6”eg would be ideal; 7.5” nbp would be acceptable….I don’t think the wife would kick me outta bed ;) I’m also wanting to increase the girth at the base most, head least, and base somewhere in between.
I know this is long-winded but, which route would you say is best to reach my goal? How can I improve?
Thanks for your time