Custom Fit Your Cylinders, Cheap
It’s been said numerous times that a 1/4” difference in cylinder diameter is a big jump. Even 1/8” can be a little too much, depending on your goals. A firmly packed tube is great for length work, so long as the skin doesn’t stick to the walls. An oversized tube is great for girth, so long as its not big enough to let a testicle to get sucked in. As with all things, there’s an optimal, and with pumping, that sweet spot changes week to week as girth in the pump improves. I’m estimating, and testing, that 70-80% packed is optimal for both length and girth at the same time. So far, it’s working very well.
My solution to the problem was to use something to take up some of the cylinder’s cross-sectional area. First, I tried silicone rubber. It worked, but it has too much grip and pulls the skin. So next I tried lexan, and it works even better but it’s a pain to form the shims. I’m about to order a sheet of low density polyethylene, and hopefully that will be the best. Its easy to cut, flexible, slick as hell when wet, and best of all… cheap! I should be able to make all my shims in about ten minutes and be done with it. I’ll update with how that goes.
Doing the math, I found the optimal sizes for the shims, and also figured out that I only need three: 6.25”, 4”, and 2” are perfect for going from a 2” to a 2.25” tube. And because they can be stacked, that gives me 5 steps in between tube sizes to keep me packing in that 70-80% sweet spot. I just cut the plastic to 9” long, and then cut each to width and form them to the tube however needed (hopefully LDPE is flexible enough to just lay in there like the silicone does).
The results so far (three weeks in):
-April ‘22: Started in a bare 2” tube that I couldn’t pack at all, and couldn’t get a length pull near my BPEL (7 7/8). I was just barely starting to pack the tube around my thickest point
-July 28: Started using a 1/8”x5” silicone shim packed around 60% and immediately got to my BPEL in the tube
-Aug 2: Switched to a 1/8”x2.25” silicone shim because the other was getting too tight. Got to 8”
-Aug 12: Switched to a 1/16”x3.25” lexan shim, packing about 70% and getting up to 8.2 in the tube
-Current: Packing too tight and need a smaller shim, hitting up to 8.25”
I’m packing all but the last 1/4” behind the glans, but I don’t want to fool with the lexan again unless I have to, so I might just raw-dog the tube this afternoon and see what happens.
Start: Oct '16 - 6.75" BPEL, 4.875" MSEG
Current: Oct 15, '22 - 7.875" BPEL, 5.875" MSEG