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Cycling Vacuum For Growth?

Cycling Vacuum For Growth?

Today I tried cycling during my pump session today and I had amazing results. I pumped to 5hg for 5 minutes then decrease vacuum to 1hg for a minute, then pump back up to 5hg. I did this for an hour and I had no fluid build up. The higher vacuum pulled my length further and made veins more prominent as opposed to using lower vacuum and longer durations.

Has anyone else tried cycling their vacuum?

Originally Posted by BvckWood
Today I tried cycling during my pump session today and I had amazing results. I pumped to 5hg for 5 minutes then decrease vacuum to 1hg for a minute, then pump back up to 5hg. I did this for an hour and I had no fluid build up. The higher vacuum pulled my length further and made veins more prominent as opposed to using lower vacuum and longer durations.

Has anyone else tried cycling their vacuum?

Yes…I tried for 30 minutes only and I feel its good. I think cycling pressure need more duration. I will try long duration on my next session.

Also i tried 2 mins for 5 hg and 30 seconds 1 hg method. That also good it seems.

Originally Posted by sjpmsd2018

Also i tried 2 mins for 5 hg and 30 seconds 1 hg method. That also good it seems.

I cycled from 5hg for 5 minutes to 1hg for 30 seconds for an hour. Great length and girth increase without fluid as opposed to doing 3x20min at 5hg and even 4x15min 2.5hg.

Originally Posted by BvckWood
I cycled from 5hg for 5 minutes to 1hg for 30 seconds for an hour. Great length and girth increase without fluid as opposed to doing 3x20min at 5hg and even 4x15min 2.5hg.

That’s dynamic pumping in its simplest terms. A great gainer if you have a way to add heat. Cold pumping can be a bit anecdotal. Stretching and then pumping with heat, with a cool down stretch and pump is a great way to go.

Originally Posted by BvckWood
I cycled from 5hg for 5 minutes to 1hg for 30 seconds for an hour. Great length and girth increase without fluid as opposed to doing 3x20min at 5hg and even 4x15min 2.5hg.

It’s been a while since your original post. Could you please post an update? Are you still following this routine and have you made any gains?

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