Flanged Cylinder?
Not sure if this is threadworthy, but I didn’t find a lot through the search function, so I thought I’d give it a try. I have been on and off with PE for awhile. I have started pumping again recently. I have been busing a homemade cylinder with a gauge hand pump. As I have worked my way up to longer sessions at higher pressures, I am running into a problem. Even after using plastic dip on the end of the cylinder, it still bites into my pubic bone causing some discomfort after multiple sessions. I am thinking the only solution is to get a professionally made cylinder with a flange. I am worried about the biting in causing ligament or blood vessel damage, which I have read can occur. I am thinking one of those Kaplan tubes might be okay, but could use advice.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."