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Fluid build up when pumping

Fluid build up when pumping


I’m new to pumping and have noticed that I have fluid build up below the glans and in the foreskin. I’ve read elsewhere this is related to the ‘donut’ effect.

Unfortunately I didn’t buy a pump with pressure gage so have been experimenting with pressure by the number of hand pumps when using the device - not ideal I know.

I may invest in a pump with gage later.

But how could you guys advise on avoiding the fluid build up?

If I don’t avoid this can it cause a permanent ‘donut’ effect?

I’ve recently ordered a VacExtender from Monkeybar, along with a ‘Constriction’ sleeve. Could I use this to counter the effect?

Any advice appreciated!


Use multiple pump sets of 10 minutes each with jelq or massage in between sets.

Reduce the pressure you use.

The donut effect is only temporary, as you are probably discovering. It is not useful in obtaining gains.

You can try using the sleeve to counter the effect, but you should still be cautious of using too much pressure. Search condom pumping for more info.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

You really need to stop using your pump and buy one with a gauge
It’s far cheaper on than on the few UK sites I have seen,good pump too

Trouble is before I started pumping I was jelqing too hard and the pumping added to the red spots I had got from jelqing.So only pumped once in 2 weeks.Pity as I really liked it..

Oh and I too bought a VacExtender( I was inspired by your penismaster gains!)
Had it about a week and it’s ok so far,tho I am thinking maybe I should’ve bought the static stretcher instead

Just don’t feel the stretch with the Vac and if I try to increase the force I feel myself slipping from the headpiece(seems on the small size) So my head starts to hurt.

Thanks for the input…

It so happens my ‘cheaper’ pump broke last night! So I’m going to organise a replacement - plan to use the opportunity to upgrade to a colt or mustang system - with gage!

Will have a look at ebay…


A quick question for all you pumpers… What would you say is the better brand, Colt or Mustang?

And why?

It’ll help me decide which to get


No need to reply, I’ve decided to go for the VelSeal option. Costs more but seems to be a superior build of cylinder! And I’ve discovered there’s numerous pumps out there (with gages) which will fit the cylinder! Just searched for ‘brake bleeding kits’.


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