Thunder's Place

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Is there a way of keeping the fluid in the penis after Jelqing


Is there a way of keeping the fluid in the penis after Jelqing

Just wondering if there is a way of keeping the fluid that makes your penis feel “spongy” after jelqing,

It stays for a while obviously but I’m thinking perhaps the longer the better so does anybody have any

Special techniques or whatever for “caring” for their penis after a jelq workout,

I have never really jelqed seriously until last night and I was very surprised my girth went from about 4.75-5

Which is my usual measurement to a temporary 5.25 and I had an extra few millimeters in length also

I presume this means I am doing it all correctly

You'll split her in two?........I've seen more Girth on a HB pencil........

If the post work out girth is due to fluid expansion, you want that lympathic fluid out of your penis as soon as possible as it leads to reactive fibrosis and formation of random fibrotic collagen bonds being formed between the Tunica and the skin making the penis less elastic, and gains harder to achieve. The Type I collagen that is formed due to reactive fibrosis, will actually limit engorgement and growth. Which is why pumpers actually have spongy, hyper pigmented penises.

^^ Sounds like you know your stuff there :-k

Soft cockring.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by vaseline_knight

If the post work out girth is due to fluid expansion, you want that lympathic fluid out of your penis as soon as possible as it leads to reactive fibrosis and formation of random fibrotic collagen bonds being formed between the Tunica and the skin making the penis less elastic, and gains harder to achieve. The Type I collagen that is formed due to reactive fibrosis, will actually limit engorgement and growth. Which is why pumpers actually have spongy, hyper pigmented penises.

Got a reference to link to?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
Got a reference to link to?

No references directly on PE induced Lymphedema, but my research has lead me to the above stated conclusion. I always either apply a wrap or manual pressure (along with heat) after a PE session to make sure I have drained the lymph fluid out as much as I can.

Nevertheless here’s a bit of support information.

I hope it helps.

The amount of fluid processed by the lymphatic system is truly huge. At any one time, nearly 90% of the water found in our blood is being filtered through the lymphatic system. In cases of overload, healthy lymphatic vessels can absorb up to ten times their usual capacity. But when the lymphatic system is malformed or damaged, blockages can result. The lymphatic fluids from that particular area “serviced” by the blocked channel cannot be transported adequately. Excess fluids build up and produce swelling. This condition is called lymphedema, and can appear in various parts of the body, but most often affects the arms or legs. The swelling can cause the affected limb to become extremely large and heavy, causing disfigurement and disability. Proteins accumulate in the trapped fluid, which can lead to fibrosis, a hardening of the surrounding tissues, making the drainage process even more difficult. This protein-rich fluid also provides ideal growing conditions for bacteria that lead to infection. So people with lymphedema must maintain a strict regimen of skin care, avoiding any wounds or abrasions that might allow bacteria to enter.

Last edited by vaseline_knight : 08-02-2007 at .

Originally Posted by vaseline_knight
No references directly on PE induced Lymphedema, but my research has led me to the above stated conclusion. I always either apply a wrap or manual pressure after a PE session to make sure I have drained he lymph fluid out as much as I can.

Hi there knight,

Give the forum guidelines a read, please.

Good link. :up:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Hi there knight,

Give the forum guidelines a read, please.

Good link. :up:

Hahahahahaha, WOW. You corrected me as I was editing for spelling mistakes. Thank you.

This, however, is one reason I rarely post on Thunder’s: my poor English skills. I’ll go back to lurking, and leave posting to more articulate individuals.


Hey vaseline,

Once, I was mountain biking and something popped in my tricep. It was painful. I had to walk back to my car. By the next day, my arm was swollen and a little black and blue in the tricep area. A week later, my whole arm was black down to my fingers, swollen, tight skin, hot, throbbing, stiff in the fingers etc.

Would you call that lymphedema?

Also, it sounds like you are a smart guy. It would be a shame if you went back to lurking. I hope you continue to post.

Horny Bastard

Me too. Check your PMs.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Just press the spell check button

Originally Posted by mravg
Hey vaseline,
Once, I was mountain biking and something popped in my tricep. It was painful. I had to walk back to my car. By the next day, my arm was swollen and a little black and blue in the tricep area. A week later, my whole arm was black down to my fingers, swollen, tight skin, hot, throbbing, stiff in the fingers etc.
Would you call that lymphedema?

Also, it sounds like you are a smart guy. It would be a shame if you went back to lurking. I hope you continue to post.

I don’t want to hijack this thread with answering this post, and was considering PM’ing you. However, for better serving the community I’ll just post my humble opinion here.

What you’re describing, to me sounds like a muscle tear (or possibly a ligament tear). When you injure tissue, the body goes through a process of repair, which includes 3 stages:

i) Acute Inflammation Phase
ii) Granulation Phase
iii) Wound Contraction Phase

I’m sure you know the details of these processes better than I do, but I’ll just briefly describe them as they do have relevance to PE.

During the first phase, white blood cells (Leukocytes) flood the area and clean all the mess made by the injured tissue, which explains the swelling and the heat at the site of inflammation. Then bottom feeders (macrophages) invade the area and digest the damaged cells, while secreting enzymes and hormones necessary to the normal healing process. This takes about 4-5 days.

Because you mention bruising, I’m assuming you ruptured some veins as well so the blood (which was initially localized to the Tricep area, gradually diffused and made the whole arm black… I’m therefore assuming there was a fair bit of internal bleeding.)

In the second phase, the Granulation phase, new blood vessels are formed and ground substance in which the cells float (interstitial fluid) floods the area. This is another reason for swelling.
At this point a different type of white blood cell is called onto the scene, which all of you have no doubt heard of: Fibroblasts. These cells make massive amounts of fibrous blocks (out of collagen fibers). This process takes 10 days.

We now enter the 3rd and final stage: Wound Contraction. Collagen is organized through a complex process into matrices of whatever type of tissue that got damaged (skin, ligament, muscle, etc.) Now these fibers shorten, and contract (which we know in PE as turtling) and with them they tighten the injured site. The fibroblasts stay at the site long after everything has cleared the area and continue strengthening the structure by secreting collagen bonds. When they’re finished their task, they’re reabsorbed by the body and the collagen bonds are returned into their expanded relaxed stage.

Now here’s the part that applies to this thread and PE. Should the injury be too severe or the fiber disruption perpetuated by abnormal activity (PE’ing again without resting enough can be a factor) or too much swelling, the fibers could heal in an elongated way or in a disorganized fashion that could create some nasty scar tissue.

This is perhaps why some advocates of ‘everyday Hanging’ like my old friend BIB made such good gains. They somehow learned to get the tissues heal in an elongated way WITHOUT triggering the formation of fibrotic scar tissue, which I assure you, is a very thin line to be training on, and potentially the holy grail of Natural PE. Now Scar tissue is mainly Type I collagen, which does not possess the mobility required to be flexible, which in turn means that it (in the case of muscles) will form a ‘knot’ within the muscle, which can be removed with deep tissue massages, and will cause localized pain at the site of the fibrosis, and in the case of PE, it will just ‘toughen’ the Tunica and the Suspensory ligament making gains come to a halt. (I think BTC_killer is a great example of PE’er who gained very heavy weights, very diligently for two years with his MaxVac without any gains whatsoever. I believe he just recently got a triple dermal graft surgery for girth, and a lig cut surgery for length. I think it’s wroth while to mention that more is usually less in PE, and less, if done with due consideration of the inflammatory process, can possibly be more.)

So it is my humble opinion, that one initiates gains, when enough inflammation is caused to trigger the inflammatory process, and hence proliferation, but only mild enough to not trigger fibrosis, and scar tissue formation. With this principle in mind, someone might train enough to heal within 24 hours, hence still gaining with a 7 days on, 0 day off regimen, while others might need more time to heal and may benefit from a 1 on, 2 off routine, much like Xeno/Babis/Shiver’s IPR protocol. What’s of absolute great importance is first, complete rest if the inflammatory process has not yet concluded, and second, limiting ‘faux girth’ build up (which I’ve now explained to be interstitial fluid, commonly referred to as lymph fluid on these boards) as much as possible.

As I’m sure many of you are already getting your panties wet about the concept of ADS’ing and how it would be absolutely perfect to help the collagen fibers heal in an elongated way…. you’re absolutely correct. There, as always, however, is a catch. The Traction device applied must be worn throughout not only the proliferation stage, but also the wound contraction phase, and it should be mild enough not to cause further inflammation. So not only should one be careful with the amount of stress applied during the PE session, one should keep in mind, that if the traction device is causing further inflammation, it is in fact hurting your efforts. Again another example that the whole ‘no pain no gain’ mentality wont work in NPE.

p.s. mravg, and Mr. Happy,thanks for your compliments, greatly appreciated. In regards to your question, Lymphedema, in your case would have happened if your swelling remained for more than 15-20 days due to blockage or damage to your lymphatic systems which deliver the interstitial fluid back into the blood stream.
So no I wouldn’t think you had lymphedema, and would say that your swelling, as I explained was a part of the natural healing process.

While promoting concepts of All Day/Night Clamping (ADC/ANC), most people ignore the fact that due to constriction that is applied while clamped, hydrostatic pressure far exceeds the Osmotic pressure, causing plasma to seep out of the atrial side of the capillaries. The continual presence of the constrictor at the base of the penis, forbids the lympathic vessels to properly return this fluid to the blood stream and hence leading to fibrosis.

Thanks for bearing with me with the long thread.


Originally Posted by vaseline_knight
No references directly on PE induced Lymphedema, but my research has lead me to the above stated conclusion. I always either apply a wrap or manual pressure (along with heat) after a PE session to make sure I have drained the lymph fluid out as much as I can.

Nevertheless here’s a bit of support information.

I hope it helps.

This is why everyone should eat dandelion greens to keep the lymphatic system healthy. Add them to your salads.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks Vk. I think I would have to call that a pretty damn good post.

PS. Bib is your old friend?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by vaseline_knight
No references directly on PE induced Lymphedema, but my research has lead me to the above stated conclusion. I always either apply a wrap or manual pressure (along with heat) after a PE session to make sure I have drained the lymph fluid out as much as I can.

Nevertheless here’s a bit of support information.

I hope it helps.

Comparing lymphatic fluid build-up in a penis resulting from overdoing a PE session and lymphedema of a leg or arm is a bit of a stretch. The circulatory system and tissue structure in the penis is very different from that of a leg. The penis is designed to swell during erection, and to drain when something causes the erection to subside. A leg is not designed to swell up and down frequently and in a relatively short period of time.

The photographs in the link showing limb lymphedema are nothing like that which is experienced by guys doing PE, even somewhat to excess. Lymphatic fluid in the penis is totally absorbed in a rather short period of time. The unfortunates who have limb lymphedema have it for weeks, months, even years. It is this constant edema which leads to their fibrosis.



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