Thunder's Place

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Is there a way of keeping the fluid in the penis after Jelqing

Great stuff mravg. This thread is turning into a 400 level PE course. Thanks for this. You’re pointing directly towards what I was stumbling around, and with more biological knowledge I might add.

Originally Posted by mravg
Your comparison to priapism is not valid because priapism results in ischemic tissue damage, again leading to the immune response and fibrosis.
Interstitial fluid, as we see after clamping or pumping, comes from capillary leakage. This fluid is non-cellular, as white cells or fibroblasts can not pass through the capillary wall. Without fibroblasts, there is no fibrosis. I do not think that the presence of this fluid by itself, for the time periods typical in PE, lead to an immune response.

This next part is an especially good bit which bears directly on vaseline_knights theory and whether not it could be true

Originally Posted by mravg
If you theorize that this collagen formation occurs quickly, then I think you should be clear that this is only your theory. There may be data out there about the typical response times between the onset of edema, and subsequent bodily responses like Fibroblast proliferation, which is what you would need to help substantiate this theory.

However, regarding this-

Originally Posted by mravg
I tend to agree with Wantsmore, that the lack of fibrosis problems reported by pumpers and clampers, is evidence to the contrary of your theory, albeit only anecdotal.

I think that the wild card here might be that the fibrosis could be a kind of low level, cumulative thing that eventually creates what we’ve come to see over time as a kind of PE “ceiling”- i.e. an outer limit for gains which might (if this long term fibroidal buildup were true) be caused by fibrotic, inflexible tissues which build up in the trans dermal area over prolonged periods of PE’ing. However, as you’ve said, this is all dependant on whether or not these fibrotic changes (however slight) are even happening at all so long as the PE that is being done is being done in the proper way.

Hmmmm….vaseline_knight? I hope we stick with this. Now the topic really appeals to me as a “ceiling for gains” is something that has always vexed me. Are gains beyond 2-2.5” commonly possible or is there really a limiting factor? Are people quitting because they are happy with their new dicks or because their gains have reached a point of limiting returns? Is this point of limited returns due to the fact that gains are REALLY hard to get for them now? And if so, what is causing the difficulty in achieving any new gains?


Originally Posted by wantsmore

Here I’m interested in the experiences of a few long time pumpers who come immediately to mind: gprent? SuperSizeIt? Avocet? Do you feel that you’re not getting the ramrod stiff, vascular woodie once you’ve done all of this pumping for years? Do you feel like your boy is wrapped up in a fibrotic blanket of sorts, a kind of spongy, fibrotic, “double tunica” kind of dealio?

I’ve been pumping for about 7 years, less often now than for years earlier on. Erections are very firm, never spongy, as good as I used to get in my 20’s - 30’s. Of course, I have ED and need a little chemical help, but less chemistry is necessary now than a few years back.

If there were any sort of fibrosis occurring, I would be aware of it. Also, my urologist gives me a very thorough going over annually, including checks to see that there is no scar tissue from the injectibles I also use for ED.

I’d like to point out here that since my early days of pumping, I have made it a point to avoid lymphatic fluid buildup from my PE. I did (once) create a “doughnut,” but by then knew that if you habitually develop a doughnut of lymphatic fluid, you gradually weaken penile tissues such that your chances of another doughnut go up each time that happens.

A lot of guys here use various wraps to press the lymphatic fluid out if that happens and this is effective. But also, a lot of guys here who have some lymphatic build-up, also have enviably hard boners for sex, too.

I do not hold with the theory that “spongy” hard-ons are a necessary consequence of pumping, or of lymphatic fluid retention that might occur from other penile exercises.



Originally Posted by wantsmore

I think that the wild card here might be that the fibrosis could be a kind of low level, cumulative thing that eventually creates what we’ve come to see over time as a kind of PE “ceiling”- i.e. an outer limit for gains which might (if this long term fibroidal buildup were true) be caused by fibrotic, inflexible tissues which build up in the trans dermal area over prolonged periods of PE’ing. However, as you’ve said, this is all dependant on whether or not these fibrotic changes (however slight) are even happening at all so long as the PE that is being done is being done in the proper way.

Well, I think we do toughen our member by working it, just as skin, muscle or bone toughens due to stress. I don’t know if you would call it fibrosis, or just thickening and strengthening of the tissues in response to the stress we apply.

I think of fibrosis as abnormal connective tissue rather than just an increase in size and strength of the normal stuff, but VK might want to expound on that. I agree that there is a possibility that our PE efforts not only could cause “low level cumulative fibrosis” as you describe it, but other problems as well. I agree with VK about how he said it would be nice if we all had 2 dicks so we could compare and see what PE is doing, not just in terms of size, but erection quality, and other changes. It would also make sex more interesting!

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
Well, I think we do toughen our member by working it, just as skin, muscle or bone toughens due to stress. I don’t know if you would call it fibrosis, or just thickening and strengthening of the tissues in response to the stress we apply.
I think of fibrosis as abnormal connective tissue rather than just an increase in size and strength of the normal stuff, but VK might want to expound on that. I agree that there is a possibility that our PE efforts not only could cause “low level cumulative fibrosis” as you describe it, but other problems as well. I agree with VK about how he said it would be nice if we all had 2 dicks so we could compare and see what PE is doing, not just in terms of size, but erection quality, and other changes. It would also make sex more interesting!

As longs as the dicks werent side by side then yes that would be VERY interesting

hey everyone.

I see there are quite a few posts since I last logged in. Very interesting, informative ones, most of which are opposed to what I have said so far, which makes this a great thread, and one to truly learn from. I’m away in Europe on business and have a very hectic schedule right now and I don’t wanna do a half assed job at replying to the posts, which is why I haven’t responded yet. I will do so as soon as I can find some time alone. Not really the best thing to be found at work replying to a PENIS ENLARGEMENT forum. I just thought I’d post this so you guys don’t think I’m ignoring the thread.

My sincere apologies.


Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler

As longs as the dicks werent side by side then yes that would be VERY interesting

I think I would want the second one on my forehead. :D

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I think I would want the second one on my forehead. :D

That would leave you eating women’s asses for the rest of your life NTTAPWT (Not That There’s A Problem With That)

I was thinking more along the lines of simultaneous pussy and blowjob. You’ve got to pick the right dick for each job!

Horny Bastard

Male snakes have two penises, but tend to favour one for their entire lives. Perhaps it’s the one they PE! :D

Originally Posted by vaseline_knight

hey everyone.

I see there are quite a few posts since I last logged in. Very interesting, informative ones, most of which are opposed to what I have said so far, which makes this a great thread, and one to truly learn from. I’m away in Europe on business and have a very hectic schedule right now and I don’t wanna do a half assed job at replying to the posts, which is why I haven’t responded yet. I will do so as soon as I can find some time alone. Not really the best thing to be found at work replying to a PENIS ENLARGEMENT forum. I just thought I’d post this so you guys don’t think I’m ignoring the thread.

My sincere apologies.


Thanks for letting us know VK. I’m a bit hectic at the moment too, and not getting here much. I look forward to sharing some more ideas with you in the future.

This is kind of scary! It supports the notion of long term lymphatic fluid being bad.

Department of Dermatology, Osaka National Hospital, Japan.

A 62-year-old man was admitted with swelling of the penis caused by long term use of a penis enlarging ring. For the previous 20 years, he had noticed small pruritic nodules on his penis. He had no micturitional or ejaculatory impairment. The penis had a diameter of 6 cm, a length of 10 cm, and was covered with thickened skin. The penis and the scrotal skin were covered with scattered, small, hemispheric nodules and papules ranging in size from 2 mm to 1 cm. Pathologic examination of the biopsied specimen from a nodule revealed enlargement of the lymphatic vessels of the dermis and fibrosis. This was compatible with lymphedema due to chronic strangulation by the ring. Scar resection and full thickness skin grafting was performed to prevent malignant changes in the lesions.

http://www.ncbi … pt=AbstractPlus

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Originally Posted by Iguana

Another one….

http://www.scie … ipt=sci_arttext

Wow those pictures are gross. I think that guy waited a bit too long before going to see the doctor!

I don’t think you will find any argument here that "Chronic penile strangulation" is not a bad thing.

Horny Bastard

The basic premise that VK is putting forth, i.e. collagen fibrosis tertiary to fibrin activation secondary to tissue damage caused by excessive extravasation of plasma/lymph, is reasonable hypothesis, based on my knowledge of physiology (aided and abetted by several of my textbooks). The lynchpin is activation of fibrinogen into fibrin by thrombin, which, in turn, must be activated from prothrombin, a step which requires exposure to connective tissue. Since this usually only occurs following vascular damage, one can hazard a guess that the only remedy for this ‘problem’ is to avoid extravasation-induced injury from the outset. Wrapping or other ameliorative actions, assuming injury occurred, would merely be a case of barn door closing post equine escaping. This suggests that low-pressure pumping, or, as VK advocates, condom pumping, would be the most viable solution. As for clamping, anoxic injury would seem to be a more immediate concern than extravasation.

Heh care to explain that in laymen’s terms?

Based on the hypotheses, I also have a few questions…

So is it a good idea to warm up the penis after exercising it (with regards to reducing fluid build-up)?
How exactly does jelquing cause this fluid to build up in the penis? Is that build-up only restricted to blood-related exercises? That is, if one were to do lig stretches or tunica stretches (such as the A/V-stretch), would that cause fluid build up?
Is this fluid build-up permanent?

I also recall that working the tunica “hardens” it, something to do with thickening of layers and thus reducing future gains.. is this “ceiling” at all related to the way fluid build-up may close off future gains?



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