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Gaining length but want girth - how do I change my routine?


Gaining length but want girth - how do I change my routine?

Pumping newbie here hoping some veterans can chime in with their advice. I’ve been pumping for just about a month now and seem to have gotten some modest length gains already (~0.1”), along with positive PIs with erections every morning, putting me around 7.1” BPEL.

Now, part of me thinks this is great and I should embrace ANY gains I get! But to be honest, although I’m not at my final goal (I want a 7.5” NBPEL), I’m past the point of being at LEAST content with my length and would be fine with no more gains after 7” NBPEL— knock on wood!! However, with 4.6” EG I am really wanting to push this up to at least 5” to feel “content” about my size (and ideally 5.5”). Some questions:

Should I keep my routine? If so, is it because of the idea that I should target length before girth, or is it because this routine could bring girth gains too that I’m just not seeing yet?

If I should change my routine, how do I modify it to target girth more? My routine is basically the modified newbie routine plus 2x 5 min pumping sets:
- 5 min warmup with heater pad
- The following stretch in all directions: Hold with 10 kegels, 10x rotate clockwise and counterclockwise, 25 helicopters
- 3x 40 jelqs overhand, 30 underhand “V” grip (before, in between, and after pumping sets)
- 5 min pumping ~100mm HG in a 2” cylinder (I’m a little over 5” at the base)
- 5 min warmdown with heater pad

Thanks everybody!!!

Jelqs can get you girth. IIRC, the theory was less erect for length, more erect for girth. Not fully erect, like 75% or so.

After you get a few more months under your belt, you could try clamping. Read up here and start slowly!!!

I’ve been off of PE for years, my peak girth right before the glans hit 6”, but I’ve lost it doing zero. But from what I recall, I did hit that girth from adding pumping and clamping.

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

If you gain length easier that will probably continue until your easy length gains have been made, then you will start expanding girth wise. However, 2x 5 minute sets won’t do much other then get you conditioned for doing longer sets. Try doing 1 ten minute set at - 5” hg or less and if you don’t get any excess puffiness or edema work your way towards 1 twenty minute set. I would also recommend you get 1 .75 tube. Pumping didn’t do much for me until I started doing low pressure for 30-40 minutes with a heat pad wrapped around the tube. Be patient, take your time and figure out what works for you.

Maybe a larger cylinder. That said a month is a second in terms of growing girth. Don’t be in a rush. Put in the work and check back in six months to a year.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Bundle hanging = GIRTH!!!

Originally Posted by 4thewind
Pumping newbie here hoping some veterans can chime in with their advice. I’ve been pumping for just about a month now and seem to have gotten some modest length gains already (~0.1"), along with positive PIs with erections every morning, putting me around 7.1" BPEL.

Now, part of me thinks this is great and I should embrace ANY gains I get! But to be honest, although I’m not at my final goal (I want a 7.5" NBPEL), I’m past the point of being at LEAST content with my length and would be fine with no more gains after 7" NBPEL— knock on wood!! However, with 4.6" EG I am really wanting to push this up to at least 5" to feel "content" about my size (and ideally 5.5"). Some questions:

Should I keep my routine? If so, is it because of the idea that I should target length before girth, or is it because this routine could bring girth gains too that I’m just not seeing yet?

If I should change my routine, how do I modify it to target girth more? My routine is basically the modified newbie routine plus 2x 5 min pumping sets:
- 5 min warmup with heater pad
- The following stretch in all directions: Hold with 10 kegels, 10x rotate clockwise and counterclockwise, 25 helicopters
- 3x 40 jelqs overhand, 30 underhand "V" grip (before, in between, and after pumping sets)
- 5 min pumping ~100mm HG in a 2" cylinder (I’m a little over 5" at the base)
- 5 min warmdown with heater pad

Thanks everybody!!!

If you’re really interested in generating girth gains I would recommend Bundle hang work + pumping (prefer pulse pump - DP4000)
Check out the video…
L.G. Hanger, LLC: Search results for Bundle hanging

Originally Posted by Titleist
Maybe a larger cylinder


There has to be room to expand in the tube in the direction you’re trying to grow.

Originally Posted by PullingFor8
Jelqs can get you girth. IIRC, the theory was less erect for length, more erect for girth. Not fully erect, like 75% or so.

After you get a few more months under your belt, you could try clamping. Read up here and start slowly!!!

I’ve been off of PE for years, my peak girth right before the glans hit 6”, but I’ve lost it doing zero. But from what I recall, I did hit that girth from adding pumping and clamping.

I tried clamping years ago, but backed away from it after feeling uneasy about basically suffocating my dick and the possibility of discoloration. Or are you saying that the combination of pumping and clamping is particularly effective?

Also out of curiosity, how much of your pumping/clamping gains were lost after stopping PE?

A few replies here about upping the cylinder size, so I’ll just answer all at once. I started out on a 1.75” and later switched to 2” because my glans was maxing out before the shaft was able to expand at all, so this was causing insane amounts of pressure at even low vacuum levels.

The 2” is basically the step up for my size— I would need over 6” girth to max this out, so anything larger would probably be impossible to seal. Even the 2” is quite difficult to seal at times, but I can at least feel the pressure throughout now.

Originally Posted by Alexanderking
If you gain length easier that will probably continue until your easy length gains have been made, then you will start expanding girth wise. However, 2x 5 minute sets won’t do much other then get you conditioned for doing longer sets. Try doing 1 ten minute set at - 5” hg or less and if you don’t get any excess puffiness or edema work your way towards 1 twenty minute set. I would also recommend you get 1 .75 tube. Pumping didn’t do much for me until I started doing low pressure for 30-40 minutes with a heat pad wrapped around the tube. Be patient, take your time and figure out what works for you.

Interesting— I hadn’t made the correlation that longer (low-pressure) sets lead to girth gains. Maybe I’ll give this a shot in a week or two.

I’d like to get some clarity on your conditioning comment though. If I understand it correctly, conditioning without gains is basically the worst possible thing— meaning you’re just making it tougher for you to gain (which is why the Newbie Routine is so great for unconditioned newcomers). Is that what you’re saying?

I mean, I think I’m getting SOMETHING out of my routine beyond conditioning. Although one could claim that these gains are coming from the stretching and/or jelqing, this routine minus the pumping is basically what I had been doing the past several previous months alone and the gains pretty much plateaued, so I’m pretty sure the pumping is what’s really helping.

What I meant by conditioned, is that it’s preparing you for more intense exercise. That’s a good thing. It’s time too start.

When I use higher vacuum levels there is too much pull in the length direction to allow my girth to expand. When I back off to 3-4 hg it allows for girth expansion. Now because the pressure is low it requires time and heat. I worked my way up to 40 minutes. I’ll release vacuum to 1 and kegel in fresh blood a few times during a set. When I’m done I will jelq for a few minutes then edge while clamped to try to stay in the expanded state for a longer period of time.

Originally Posted by 4thewind
I tried clamping years ago, but backed away from it after feeling uneasy about basically suffocating my dick and the possibility of discoloration. Or are you saying that the combination of pumping and clamping is particularly effective?

Also out of curiosity, how much of your pumping/clamping gains were lost after stopping PE?

Shit, I wish I recorded my progress. I did record some but I lost it. I started out with pretty good girth, and a bit above average length IIRC. Most of my gains have been length, with mostly jelqing and some manual stretching.

Only later I started pumping and clamping and then really noticed the girth gains. Keep in mind I had many years of PE under my belt, gained a good deal of length and was looking for girth. For a long time my girth has been 5.7"-5.75", as I mentioned I did hit 6". Perhaps that wasn’t fully cemented, also keep in mind I’m talking 5 years plus losing those gains doing zero PE the whole time. Crap, I even lost my cylinder!

Clamping ain’t for newbies though, I just looked at Big Girtha’s thread again and it said in the first post that it might halt length gains. Way more info I could give you on clamping over on his thread:
CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

All your eggs in one basket?

Having read a ton of forum posts on a variety of PE exercise subjects in the past ten years, the one thing I’ve noticed about the guys who are devoted “pumpers” is they seem to be solely reliant on pumping alone for their PE success. When I look at the photos they post I always see excessive edema.

Implementing a variety of training methods such as clamping is progressive training. Knowing when to do it is important! If you train in a balanced way you will gain both length and girth. This notion that you need to train length before girth is IMO bogus. There are exercises that specifically target length and those that target girth, but you can’t exclusively work one without indirectly working the other.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
Having read a ton of forum posts on a variety of PE exercise subjects in the past ten years, the one thing I’ve noticed about the guys who are devoted “pumpers” is they seem to be solely reliant on pumping alone for their PE success. When I look at the photos they post I always see excessive edema.
Implementing a variety of training methods such as clamping is progressive training. Knowing when to do it is important! If you train in a balanced way you will gain both length and girth. This notion that you need to train length before girth is IMO bogus. There are exercises that specifically target length and those that target girth, but you can’t exclusively work one without indirectly working the other.

Fair point. It’s one massive reason I wanted to keep the jelqing and stretching in the mix, which was said elsewhere to help cement gains and prevent donuts (edema).

I think I really need to get a better idea of what’s possible with pumping before adding anything like clamping. I’ve been pumping for about a month and it’s already taking me past the newbie gains, so I’m hesitant to break something that doesn’t need fixing. Happy to hear out more slight adjustments I can make to my routine that will promote girth gains.

Originally Posted by 4thewind
But to be honest, although I’m not at my final goal (I want a 7.5” NBPEL), I’m past the point of being at LEAST content with my length and would be fine with no more gains after 7” NBPEL— knock on wood!! However, with 4.6” EG I am really wanting to push this up to at least 5” to feel “content” about my size (and ideally 5.5”).

You will want more by the time you reach your current goals, you should keep that in mind while buying pump cylinders.

The method I prefer for gaining girth is just pumping with a tube has a significantly bigger diameter than my penis. Clamping is very fast at gaining girth, but I don’t recommend it because it seems to have long term side effects and pumping is not much slower than clamping.

I started at 4.5” circumference, I gained up to 6” circumference using clamping before hitting a wall. My penis became really tough and I just wasn’t able to get it to expand any further. I tried pumping at that time and it didn’t do anything because the penis was so fibrosed. I stopped doing PE for many years, shrunk significantly, and this time around I’m not doing clamping, jelqing, or high force stretching.

When I started pumping again in 2017, gaining girth with pumping was very easy.

The best routine for gaining with pumping seems to be 5 inHg for 20 minutes every other day. I’m not ruling out there are better routines, I’ve been experimenting to find them for a few months now without luck.

Cylinders that are significantly larger than your erect girth can be sealed. Unless you have a very lean pubic fat pad, it should seal easily after a minute or two vacuum and applying pressure so the fat and skin can conform to the cylinder’s base. If you still can’t get a seal, trimming pubes can help. And if you still can’t get a seal, there are silicone adapters for the end of the cylinder that can help, though I personally find them more trouble than they are worth.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
You will want more by the time you reach your current goals, you should keep that in mind while buying pump cylinders.

The method I prefer for gaining girth is just pumping with a tube has a significantly bigger diameter than my penis. Clamping is very fast at gaining girth, but I don’t recommend it because it seems to have long term side effects and pumping is not much slower than clamping.

I started at 4.5” circumference, I gained up to 6” circumference using clamping before hitting a wall. My penis became really tough and I just wasn’t able to get it to expand any further. I tried pumping at that time and it didn’t do anything because the penis was so fibrosed. I stopped doing PE for many years, shrunk significantly, and this time around I’m not doing clamping, jelqing, or high force stretching.

When I started pumping again in 2017, gaining girth with pumping was very easy.

The best routine for gaining with pumping seems to be 5 inHg for 20 minutes every other day. I’m not ruling out there are better routines, I’ve been experimenting to find them for a few months now without luck.

Cylinders that are significantly larger than your erect girth can be sealed. Unless you have a very lean pubic fat pad, it should seal easily after a minute or two vacuum and applying pressure so the fat and skin can conform to the cylinder’s base. If you still can’t get a seal, trimming pubes can help. And if you still can’t get a seal, there are silicone adapters for the end of the cylinder that can help, though I personally find them more trouble than they are worth.

Thanks for the feedback, and inspired by your gains, especially given that we had the same starting EG. Do you mean 20 minutes in one sitting, or 2 x 10 mins, or 4 x 5 mins etc??

For the time being, I can’t get much past 100mm (4in?) Hg without feeling pain, so I’m going to ride that out for a while. Also, given that I’m around 5” at the base, I’m pretty sure the 2” cylinder (over 6” circumference) is plenty of space for me!

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