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Good Pump

Good Pump

ok, like this question isnt asked enough……

I want to get a pump to supplement my already “veteran” bib hanging routine.

I want to know good brand (s) and where to buy them online and approx. cost.

My current measurements:

BPEL 7.6
Base EG 5.3
midshaft and endshaft girth 5.2

Goal 9-10 BPEL X 6.5 EG

based on these current measurements and goal, please also recommend a good size tube that I should get.
I hear of people getting like multiple tube sizes in like increment for growth or something……I would be willing to do this, but within reason (2 or 3max different size tubes (obviously 1 tube only would be best)). I also want to minimize any “ball pumping”


Re: Good Pump

Originally posted by UpgradingUnit
ok, like this question isnt asked enough……

I want to get a pump to supplement my already "veteran" bib hanging routine.

I want to know good brand (s) and where to buy them online and approx. cost.

My current measurements:

BPEL 7.6
Base EG 5.3
midshaft and endshaft girth 5.2

Goal 9-10 BPEL X 6.5 EG

based on these current measurements and goal, please also recommend a good size tube that I should get.
I hear of people getting like multiple tube sizes in like increment for growth or something……I would be willing to do this, but within reason (2 or 3max different size tubes (obviously 1 tube only would be best)). I also want to minimize any "ball pumping"



Many of us have been served well by Welcome to
I have purchased two cylinders from them.

Given your present length of 7.6 for me it would be a toss up between a 10 or an 11" length cylinder.

Given your present girth, I hesitate to recommend a 1 ¾” opening diameter. I would suggest that you contact LAPD They are very user friendly. LAPD is in LA and I don’t think they accept telephone calls until after 12-1:00 PM PST.

LAPD carries the basic brass pump which is a work horse….I bought mine in 1989 and it’s still very functional. Whether your pump has a vacuum gauge or not is an individual decision. When I bought my pump…I really didn’t know anything about pumping at that time and it was what was available at the upscale leather store in Chicago where I bought it.

To increase your girth by pumping “packing” the cylinder is essential. Tiger Dave at his site http://www.tige … .com/index.html
Gives a good description of packing and some images of dicks packing cylinder http://www.tige … #Anchor-packing . You might look around his site….he promotes/uses http://www.vacu … ome.htm#welcome
and he also advocates having various cylinders of ¼” increments.

This vendor Premiere manufacturer/provider of quality penis pumping equipment and other personal products related to vacuum enlargement offers cylinder sets that you can view and get info here http://www.pump … od/stoframe.htm
Get a set of 3 VelSeal Cylinders for $269.95! Their unique VelSeal Cylinders Prevents your nuts from sliding up into cylinder.

B/f bought us two STJ PRECISION SEALs And it’s a quality product.

I commend you for wanting, from the get go, to ramp up from cylinder > cylinder the key now is to find out what inside diameter starting size is best for you…all that follows is just ¼” increments.

From my own experience, using shave cream as lube that I’ve posted on several times….I pack my 1 3/4 x 8" cylinder very well and ramp up into 2 x 9" that I’m making headways packing.

Good luck,

Consider posting back what you ultimately decided, particularly beginning inside diameter. Your reults might be helpful to others.

OR eon
65 yo

I agree.

Tiger’s site always promoted very sensible pumping, imo. Haven’t been back to visit in more than a year. In spite of his personal policy for safety, there was if I remember correctly a very scary photo gallery. Bloated and mishapen dicks - a sort of Joy-Land for pumping extremists. Few like what I wanted my own to end up resembling.

LA Pump is a very good company. My pump kit from them has been working perfectly for 2.5 years, after a whole lot of use. I like their flanged cylinders, couplings.

“Hmmmm…….sounds like it is getting to be about time to ask a few of these vendors for reciprocal links to Thunder’s. Avocet??”

Now, what does this mean, T? You are asking for an opinion or you are volunteering me to make it happen? That was a rhetorical question, of course because I know you. We’ll talk. But I think it’s a good idea. I respect the quality of the products oreon posted links to.



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