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J Meister's Late Night Pump Routine


J Meister's Late Night Pump Routine

The past two weeks I’ve developed a pumping routine that I do late at night, after everyone else has gone to bed. I’ve borrowed freely from Avocet’s Pumping 101 thread. Here’s what I do:

I start out with a hot wrap, using a washcloth soaked in hot water. I keep the hot wrap on while I get out my pump, attach the cylinder, open the jar of lube, etc. Using Albolene for lubricant, I wet jelq for about 100 strokes, until I get nice and engorged. I then insert my dick in the cylinder and slowly pump up. I try to kegel at the same time I’m pumping up, to build up the inner pressure. I have a Boston pump cylinder with the red ruler markings, so it’s easy to see the level of erection and pump. I pump up to 4 hg pressure, then wander over to the TV to catch a little Howard Stern on the E! channel while in the pump. I’ve found that the commercial breaks on Howard Stern occur every 8 to 10 minutes, so I watch Howard Stern while in the tube, then remove the cylinder and jelq between pump sets during the commercial breaks. I can get in 50 wet jelqs during the commercial breaks, then reattach the pump to watch more of the program. Howard Stern usually has porn starlets or other hot chicks in various states of undress and this helps with the erection level. Also, watching TV helps alleviate the tedium of pumping and makes the time go by faster. I do three to four sets of 8 to 10 minutes at 4 to 5 hg, jelquing in between sets. I strive to get bigger in the tube with each set by kegeling and maintaining pressure between 4 and 5 hg. This is easy to monitor by looking at the ruler markings for length and viewing the degree of packing through the clear lucite cylinder. When I’ve finished the sets, using the wet washcloth, I wipe the lube off dick and balls and put on a 1.75” rigid rubber cock ring around the base of my entire package. The cock ring serves to help maintain the pump. I then put on the cylinder and pump up one more time, with the pump sealing against the rubber cock ring. I stay in the cylinder for several minutes, then release the pressure and take off the cylinder. At this point, I’m hanging long and fat, with the cock ring assisting in maintaining this level of engorgement. I wash the cylinder with soap and water, put everything away and go to bed. In bed, I do some light massage and fluffing to encourage continued engorgement. I then go to sleep with the cock ring in place.

In the early morning hours, I’ve awakened to some ferocious woodies, courtesy of the late night pump session and the cock ring still in place. I keep the cock ring on until I take my morning shower. After showering, I do a quick jelq and squeeze session while massaging in cocoa butter. The cocoa butter serves as lube and to rejuvenate beat-up dick skin.

I’ve found that by pumping for short-duration sets at low pressure, wearing the cock ring and massaging and jelquing before and between sets and the following morning virtually eliminates the donut effect.

For the experienced pumpers on the board, will I get gains from doing this routine 2 to 3 times per week?

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Last edited by J Meister : 05-27-2004 at .

Will you get gains? I think so! Sounds like a very good routine to me. I like the idea of late afternoon or evening pump sessions, because then your nocturnal erections are post pump size and I think this greatly enhances healing up large.

Sounds like a great routine. If your cock ring is around your whole package, where does the bttom of the tube seal…are your balls in the tube?? How has this changed, in terms or your routine in the past? Good luck.

One foot to go

Bad to wear one for that duration over the shaft only. But a _mildly_ constricting ring around both shaft and balls actually stimulates more nocturnal erections. This could be a good thing for guys who have seen a decrease in these important events.



Thanks everyone for the positive replies.

With regards to the final pump with the cock ring in place around my dick and balls, here’s what happens:

Like I said in my original post, I use a rigid rubber cock ring around both dick and balls. As I squeeze the trigger, increasing the vacuum in the pump, the cylinder starts to inch towards the topside part of the cock ring. The flange at the bottom of the Boston pump cylinder snugs up against the cock ring on the top and the point where my scrotum meets the penis (the turkey neck area) on the bottom. Since there is still a little lube left, after a few squeaky, sucking sounds, it seals just fine. My balls are outside the tube.

This is a routine I’ve settled on after dabbling in pumping since last summer. I’m hoping to be motivated enough to do it on a regular basis, so I’m trying to make it fun and efficient by watching Howard Stern at the same time. This seems to be the only time I can find uninterrupted privacy to pump and like others mentioned, there seems to be advantages inherent in late night pumping.

I use a 1.75” rigid rubber ring, i.e. non-constricting/non-stretchy. It only does it’s magic when you have a semi to fully-hard erection. The dick has to expand to reach the confines of the ring which is a different effect than having the blood forced into the dick by a constricting ring. When flaccid, it is somewhat loose. I have worn this ring in the daytime and have had it slip off one of my testicles during long hours spent at my desk. It just seems to be more effective to wear it at night while relaxing and sleeping.

I agree with your comments. I also sense that there may be some girth gains possible from regularly wearing a cock ring at night. I’m trying to be more regular in wearing it to prove this theory.

Last night I was too tired to stay up and do my routine, besides the fact that I had a 7:00 a.m. dental appointment, so I just put on the cock ring and went to bed. That’s the most difficult problem with this routine, having enough energy to do it late at night. I find that once I start, PE adrenalin kicks in and I’m energized as I do the routine and marvel at my pumped up size.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Originally Posted by J Meister
I agree with your comments. I also sense that there may be some girth gains possible from regularly wearing a cock ring at night. I’m trying to be more regular in wearing it to prove this theory.

I’m not sure about that one yet, J Meister, for the reason that the erection you wake to during the night or in the morning will usually be thicker/fatter than an erection you create while conscious.

Nocturnal erections are created through different neural pathways than stimulated, sexual erections. The theory goes like this: Sexual erections are all the time being inhibited by the sympathetic nervous system - that is, the sexual stimulation has to be greater than the sympathetic can supress for erection to happen while we’re conscious. During sleep, however, the sympathetic neurons are turned off allowing the parasympathic system to take over, full bore - no inhibitions. This is likely why nocturnal erections tend to be more girthful.




Actually I’ve noticed that I seem girthier at other times during the day, when I have a good flaccid hang going on. P9 once mentioned that a friend of his wore a cock ring all the time and eventually achieved a girth of 7 inches. As you say, the jury’s still out on this one.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Hey when they say 2 times a day does that mean in one session or 12 hours apart?

“Week 1: One 10 minute session per day
Week 2: One 15 minute session per day
Week 3: Two 10 minute sessions per day
Week 4: Two 15 minute sessions per day
Week 5: One 20 minutes session, one 10 min session, per day
Week 6: Two 20 minute sessions per day
Week 7: Three 20 minute sessions per day”

In one session, and with some light jelqing between sets.


G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by John_Desal
Hey when they say 2 times a day does that mean in one session or 12 hours apart?

“Week 1: One 10 minute session per day
Week 2: One 15 minute session per day
Week 3: Two 10 minute sessions per day
Week 4: Two 15 minute sessions per day
Week 5: One 20 minutes session, one 10 min session, per day
Week 6: Two 20 minute sessions per day
Week 7: Three 20 minute sessions per day”


That suggested schedule is meant to “condition” you to pumping. Thereafter, you can come up with your own schedule, one which serves your individual needs.

Both gprent and I feel that for regular pumping, after being conditioned to it, shorter multiple pumps give better results than long periods of time in the tube. I think peforeal uses shorter, multiple pumps as well.



Originally Posted by avocet8

Both gprent and I feel that for regular pumping, after being conditioned to it, shorter multiple pumps give better results than long periods of time in the tube. I think peforeal uses shorter, multiple pumps as well.

Yes, I like to use short pumps for about 5 minutes with a quick vacuum break and then repeat for up to one hour. My dick stays much healthier throughout the process this way.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
Yes, I like to use short pumps for about 5 minutes with a quick vacuum break and then repeat for up to one hour. My dick stays much healthier throughout the process this way.

Are you just releasing the vacuum pressure but leaving the cylinder on or are you actually removing the cylinder?

If you are just reducing vacuum pressure, do you jump right back up to your previous pressure you were at? What HG pressure do you pump at and do you increase the HG as the time increases?

Originally Posted by stormy
Are you just releasing the vacuum pressure but leaving the cylinder on or are you actually removing the cylinder?

If you are just reducing vacuum pressure, do you jump right back up to your previous pressure you were at? What HG pressure do you pump at and do you increase the HG as the time increases?

I release the vacuum pressure to near zero and leave the cylinder on, then I pump back up to my previous pressure. For pumping my dick only for longer periods of time, I stay at the 5” hg mark. If anything, you should be decreasing your hg as time increases or at least keep the hg static, since your dick is becoming more sensitive the longer you stay in the cylinder.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
Yes, I like to use short pumps for about 5 minutes with a quick vacuum break and then repeat for up to one hour. My dick stays much healthier throughout the process this way.

Thanks for reminding me to mix things up a bit. I went back to this technique today and got a great result. Think I will stick with it for awhile.

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