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Gravel Cleaner Pump


Gravel Cleaner Pump

I came across a gravel cleaner tube to use as a pump; it has an oval shape to it with a diameter of 2.5”. Considering its oval shape, I’d like to know the other(shorter) diameter. If anyone has bought one or actually knows the inside diameter of the shorter side please let me know.

I think I found out the short diameter. It may be wrong, but supposedly it’s 12mm(about .47”). The inside diameter of the longer side is 2.3”, so the circumference would be about 5.2”, which is not enough. Does anyone have other alternatives? I’m looking for an oval shaped cylinder.

Still looking for a cheap alternative of an oval shaped cylinder for a pump, any suggestions?

Try this site they may have oval shape, by the way, PVC pipe can be heated and shaped, I’ve done it before.

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

Thanks for the link. I’m a bit concerned with the use of PVC and its safety on skin, any opinions on its safety?

Buy some cheaper pipe at home depot and practice shaping them, then use the clear PVC pipe. This may be a direct link:

Product Listing PVC-CLEAR-PIPE-NSF-Sch40 at

Good luck

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

I don’t have a problem with it

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

Can you explain the re-shaping process? How do you heat it to begin shaping it?

I’d like to add that I have a pump cylinder from L.A pumps, I assume it’s made of acrylic; is there a way to reshape it?

I have no idea about acrylics. I heated them with a torch, but I’m sure you can hang or lay it on a curved surface in the oven. Like I said , buy some cheap stuff and experiment. Use some gloves to force it into shape while it’s hot. Crude stuff, but it can be done.

Good luck

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

Technically, yes - you probably could. Acrylic melts at a fairly low temperature so you should be able to soften it in an oven and press it into another shape. I wouldn’t recommend it, though. You’d have a problem with the top.

Why do you want an oval tube?

The tube I have is flared and when it pulls my right testicle(hangs lower than left) it starts to hurt. An oval shaped cylinder would be better and it’ll make it less likely that the testicle would get sucked in. What temperature should I set the oven?

Also, can it be melted with boiling water?

Once again: I wouldn’t recommend it. You could very well end up ruining the tube. If you mess up the base you won’t be able to get a proper seal.

However, if you want to give it a go, somewhere between 140-150 degrees celsius should do the trick. Acrylic melts at 160 so I would keep it below 150. Better too low than too high.
I have no first hand experience reshaping acrylic this way. I would put something inside the tube to hold its shape while heating in case you accidentally go too high.

As far as testicles getting sucked in goes, if you don’t already do this, getting the base of the cylinder nestled in between the vas deferens goes along way towards preventing it. As does pointing the cylinder slightly down. If you have a loose scrotum, you may even be able to tie the balls together with a piece of string/elastic/cockring to keep them away. If it’s because they’re too tight, placing the cylinder higher can help.
You should be able to fix your problem with a much less drastic method.

It seems heating it in the oven is not a wise decision, it can ignite and/or explode.

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